
It had been a day after the showcase but the media had already written articles and it was being discussed nationwide, many favorable articles were written about them since the media was invited by them and Junho was always happy to answer their questions.

Though not everyone had a favorable impression of the group's music since they weren't used to hearing these type of music and it was still at its infancy but they were only few in number compared to those that liked hearing new things.

After the concert everyone was busy since they were given a new schedule, their days were full of recordings since music stations had been contacting them and asking them to perform while they were still the topic of the nation.

'Perfect All Kill' was a huge achievement for any group and no other big group released during August which was the perfect month for them, hence they were given invitations and they gladly accepted.

"A Perfect All Kill!"

Sungjae looked at the article he was reading, he knew what it meant and what it would do to their careers, he also began reading the comments on various sites and articles, though it was recommended not to he still did.

"Look Hyung the comments say they're going to make their own fancafe since we don't have one, I'm gonna try and join."

Daniel, Mingyu and Jinyoung came to where he was and looked at the site, it was still relatively new and there were just a few message boards, the four of them began reading and were in awe that they had tons of supporters.

Junho who was cooking since they were at his house looked at them like kids, he had a fancafe and would sometimes read their messages some were sweet and some were funny but he knew this was the first time they were reading people's messages about them and not entirely about him, he just hoped that it wasn't flooded with messages for him.

"Oh I got a message!"

Sungjae yelled in delight as he read a short message, after he did the boys grabbed his phone and began reading the messages for them.

"Why does everyone have a cool photo and all I have are the ones where I don't look cool?"

Mingyu said as he kept looking at everyone's pictures.

"Why don't you guys post something, even if its unofficial there's no one stopping you and I've read the contract there wasn't any clause saying we are forbidden to post online or on any fancafe other than doing interviews without permission you're free to post like I sometimes do in mine."

Junho pointed out that fact and their eyes lit up.

"Come on Hyung come here let's all take a photo and post it."

Junho smiled and went there, they soon took a picture with Daniel taking the picture, they shortly uploaded it, Junho just returned to cooking while the four of them continued surfing the recently made fancafe.


Junho's phone rang and saw it was Taeyeon who was calling.

"It's me and yes I'm free but sadly you're not, and congratulations by the way on your comeback."

"Thanks Noona, so do you want me to send it to you now?"

"Sure, do I need to dance with you guys?"

"No, you can just stand and look pretty while singing while we do the dancing as for how much."

"I'll stop you right there, I'm doing this for free."


"Like I said this is my gift for you guys for your comeback, I'm hanging up I still have something to do."

"Alright I'll send it later since we'll be busy the whole week, take care Noona!"

She soon hang up, Junho just chuckled well he didn't mind if she didn't want any share, he soon heard the boys shout.


"What are we gonna do?"

"Everything sold out in just a couple of hours and even the stores are asking for more since they were swarmed and some sasaengs even began fighting for albums and there's currently an online petition for it."

The producers from NEXT and their respective heads were currently having headaches on how to deal with the shortage of merchandise since they didn't expect it, they thought there really would be an increase in Wings sales but they didn't expect it would be this much that it would sell out only after a day.

"All eyes are on Light now since Wings just blew out everyone's expectation but we do have to thank Junho's cover can we ask him for a song as well? He did use our resources and we're helping their promotions"

JYP and Yang Hyun-suk just looked and listened at the meeting as they were in charge of the girl group, JYP and Yang Hyun-suk then began to talk as the discussion was going nowhere.

"First I think we need to produce more albums as to resolve the demands right now they're gonna be the topic of discussion for weeks a quarter at most, as for Light I think we need to delay them for a month as well."

"As for a song from Junho you do know we need to put his name as a producer and I think he doesn't like to give out songs that aren't gonna be aiming for a top spot so that's out of the question since it would also just shift the attention towards him instead of the girls."

"Come let's slow things down and talk things through, its just a month what could possible go wrong."

JYP and Yang Hyun-suk began to talk about their plans and changes as soon as they saw the situation.


"Thank Euri, do I look like an Idol again now?"

Woo-Jin got his hair done and looked at the mirror, Euri didn't say anything and just left, as soon as she saw the door outside there were people already lining up.

"What's wrong Euri why aren't you saying anything?"

"Oppa, look."

"Good luck, I'm out, I'll pay tomorrow."

Woo-Jin patter her back, right now there were only three people including Euri as her staff in her own store but looking at the people outside lining up they probably heard or saw her post in the fancafe a few weeks ago.

"Looks like everything's gonna be alright."