that can't be erased

"Remember do your best."

Junho nodded as he was getting his hair and clothes fixed before he went outside the van, currently it was time for the script reading and the day after tomorrow would be their final concert.

"I will."

"Send me a picture of what your name plate has."

"I think I'll keep it if they let me."

"Yeah go now, don't let everyone keep waiting for you."

"But we're two hours early."

"Still its best if you mingle with the staff and get some good rapport with the reporters, it was fun reading the articles that leaked and spread."

"It was."

Both Junho and Woo-Jin laughed as his involvement and audition of a major role was leaked, numerous articles arose questioning his capability but Junho along with Pegasus with numerous discussions countered with leaking the news that he had written the plot itself.

"You know it was really risky putting out your name so early and didn't even wait for the film to finish and get results."

"They are gonna leak it eventually and besides its a risk I'm willing to take."

"And if it flops say goodbye to your acting career at the very least."

"It won't in fact I'm more than happy to bet its gonna be even more successful."

"Alright If it is successful I'll shave my head for you and if it doesn't you shave your head."


"And you're done."

Euri said as she took a deep breath after finishing the make up on Junho, Junho nodded and opened the doors of the van, as soon as he did not many saw him just yet but many had their eyes on the van wondering who was inside.

It was his first public appearance after the news got leaked since it was leaked after an Inkigayo recording session, he was wearing a coat and walked slowly towards the building, he waved and smiled at the reporters who were flocking.

"Junho I have a question!"

Tons of reporters said the same line as they flocked towards him, he smiled and calmly said that he'll answer a few questions when they were near the building so they could be more comfortable, the staff of the movie saw him and wondered if they should interfere and help him but the reporters followed Junho's orders and quietly followed him like small ducklings.

"Two minutes, I'll do my best to answer your questions since I don't want to cause any delays."

"Do you think you deserve the role?"

A reporter asked directly and Junho smiled.

"This is my first time being cast and its a major role at that, I've done my best during the audition sessions if the entire staff didn't believe and trusted in me then I wouldn't be here as for that I'll do my best to deliver and live up to everyone's expectations."

"As for the writing of the story some are saying you hired ghostwriters or bought someone's script and renamed it after yours what can you say about this?"

"I'll clear it up, I wrote the story that's a fact, there are no ghostwriters or me buying someone else's script, though many would say that writing a song is different from writing a story but for me I think what matters is that I poured my heart and soul on script and I hope that all of you will like it."

"Junho, Hyewon from PatchDis! There are photos circulating right now around with you meeting a woman!"

Junho's eyes widened at that very moment since he would always check if there were paparazzi's or reporters when he was out to meet Choo-hyunl, he wondered how one managed to slip.

"Really? Can I take a look?"

The reporter nodded and the rest made way to let Junho see the photo, as soon Junho saw it he immediately laughed.

"Who took this? That woman is my sister, if you want I'll upload a video with her in my channel at VTube for further proof."


"That's 2 minutes, see you guys later, ah right before I leave, almost forgot that you guys want this for your articles take a good picture alright everyone?"

Junho stepped back and stood and posed at the center, the reporters laughed and also understood they then took a picture and some who were fans of his took a selfie to which he obliged to a few before finally leaving.

When Junho entered the building he was greeted and politely bowed and greeted back.

"Good morning everyone, may I know where the rest are?"

"Please follow us."


Junho was escorted to the conference room they were supposed to be in, he found out that there were camera's being set up he immediately understood that it was a recorded session Currently there were only a few people aside from the production team that he had mingled along the way.

"This where you sit"

"Thank you."

"Would you like water while waiting for the rest?"

"Yes please."

The staff nodded and quickly left, Junho looked at the conference room and the cameras that were being set up, he looked at the nameplates of everyone, he looked at his left and found it was Choi Woo-Shik and at the right it would be Son Hyun-joo.

Since there was virtually no significant cast present he looked at his nameplate that was in front of him and wondered what they had gave him.

"He smiled as under his name were the titles of 'Actor' and 'Scriptwriter', after a while the staff returned and gave him two bottle of water, the man was familiar on how long each session would take and that each significant person would want to have at least two bottles especially actors.

Junho waited and instead filtered which songs he would fit in the album, though the album and group still had no name he already had a concept in mind, after waiting many people had entered, he would greet them first and immediately seat down, he then saw his soon to be seatmate enter.

Junho would offer his greetings exchange first.

"It's a pleasure to meet you I'm Park Junho."

"Its the same as well, My name is Choi Woo-Shik."

"Please take care of me."

"Me as well."

The two then sat together, Junho noted that he was silent as soon as they sat and wondered why eventually Woo-Shik took out a pen and their last album as Wings, Junho smiled and as Woo-Shik handed it to him, he immediately signed it and gave it back.

"Hey, I have a question I promise I won't tell anyone."


"Is the title track for your girlfriend?"


"Oh, last question, can I join in one of your music videos?"


Woo-Shik's eyes lit up and shortly the two continued conversing on how and why they joined the industry, where they grew up and a lot of things, while they were talking the room was slowly getting filled.


"Let me see the picture in question"

Woo-Jin was curious and nervous at the same time as Euri had told them about the news of Junho meeting a woman, he wondered how there was such an article and photo at the first place, even JYP had called him.

Euri gave him the phone and just like Junho Woo-Jin laughed and suddenly was worried for the PatchDis' future.

"I'll tell JYP that it was just his sister, I mean its pretty obvious they look similar, and that before they reported this they should have known who owned the restaurant they were meeting at."

"But still, its making rounds."

"Don't worry about it, I can already see this article getting deleted or an apology from the agency, who knew their agency was desperate, well to be honest it was their actors debut film as a major character so I see why they're trying petty things."

"You're not worried about his reputation?"

"No, in fact just wait an hour you'll see tons of articles disproving this article."

Euri just nodded and didn't say anything else, they then went back to the agency as to prepare for the concert later on the week.


Meanwhile Myung Ari and Jihyun were meeting as to deliberate between who will be the model of TV cosmetics in Jihyun's girl group in the future especially with Choi Yuna joining.

"Sue them"

"That's too much isn't it?"

"Well just send a letter from dad's law firm I'm sure that's enough to scare them and silence them, don't worry I'll contact dad to tell his connections to create more articles in disproving this and we'll find out who even took this picture."

"All right Auntie, Thanks."


P.S. Hello! I'm still Alive, if I'm gone for a week it means that I'm taking a short break to regather my thoughts or something significant happened buts its probably the former! Hope you all have a great week ahead!

P.P.S, You guys can recommend some names and concepts for the group while you're at it since I'm still deliberating who knows you guys might have better ones.