It was a

afte"Alright since everyone is here and before we start as requested by our producer let's start introducing ourselves I'll go ahead first, I'm the Director and my name is Jang Cheol-soo."

After Jang Cheol-soo's turn he looked to his left and signaled him to continue, everyone took turns until it was Junho's turn, everyone was curious and amazed as only a few of the current people present were aware of his status as an Actor as well as being the sole scriptwriter of course he told before that they would be adding other scriptwriters that were more seasoned to help hammer out the details.

"Its a pleasure to meet everyone, My name is Park Junho, I'm an Actor and at the same time one of the scriptwriters, please take care of me."

Junho smiled, he then used the systems power to make everyone's guard at him be lowered as of the moment which gave them a sense of wanting to protect him and help him.

"Dude how do you do it."

Choi Woo-Shik asked Junho as he sat down.

"What do you mean?"

"Like your persona of being an angel or a baby that needs to be protected, tell me the secret."

"It's my power."

Woo-Shik chuckled and smiled, the two then went silent as they were now looking at the other main lead, or rather the rising superstar in Kim Soo-Hyun.

"Hello everyone, my name is Kim Soo-Hyun, the lead actor for this project, please take care of me as well."

"With that finished let's start, please turn your page to page three scene two since dialogue will start there and we'll focus on the narration parts later on."

Everyone followed as the manuscript was given to everyone when they had arrived, Junho just listened and observed since this was a first for him and it wouldn't be later till he would be mentioned.

Right now although he was famous but in the acting industry he was at the lowest of the food chain and he had a lot to prove, after almost an hour it was finally for him to speak up, everyone was waiting for his turn and were expectant.

Junho didn't want to disappoint so he used his new found skill that he leveled up [ Method Acting ] as of this moment to empathize with the character, his character was Rhee Hae-jin, The youngest secret agent in North Korean history. Disguised as a high school student

The characters mission was to ensure that the mission was implemented perfectly and ensure that everyone was doing their respective jobs, everyone soon felt that something was wrong with Junho, even Woo-Shik was afraid to touch him at this moment since he felt his aura was getting colder and weirder in his perspective

Jang Cheol-soo coughed and continued reading the script.

"Rhee Hae-Jin suddenly appeared at the back of 2nd Lieutenant Seo Sang-gu who looked like he was wanting to betray the country because he was contemplating about continuing the mission or disappear within South Korea. Rhee Hae-Jin had pointed a gun at the back of his head while he was behind him in the dark."

"2nd Lieutenant Seo Sang-gu, remember the mission don't you dare stray away from it or else you'll force my hand."

Although it was just him reading a line everyone had chills running down on their spine as if they were Seo Sang-gu and that an actual gun was being pointed at them.

Go Chang-seok, the one who would be playing Seo Sang-gu continued on reading the script.

"Please I have a daughter and wife at home!"

"Scene fades to black after a sound of a gunshot was heard."

The script reading continued, Woo-Shik wanted to talk to Junho but was afraid since to him it looked like Junho was in the zone and so he kept to himself, It was until the time for Rhee Hae-Jin to meet Kim Soo-Hyun's character Lieutenant Won Ryu-hwan.

"Rhee Hae-Jin suddenly appeared again at the back of Won Ryu-hwan who was writing a letter to his mother, but unlike Seo Sang-gu, Won Ryu-hwan was prepared."

"Lieutenant Won Ryu-hwan, don't forget the mission."

"Who are you."

"The two then began a fight as Won Ryu-hwan disarmed Rhee Hae-Jin, the fight eventually broke out onto the rooftops as Won Ryu-hwan chased after Rhee Hae-Jin but eventually Rhee Hae-Jin escaped."

The script reading continued until the day was finished, everyone was tired and shortly they all decided to adjust some things of course with permission from Junho as not only he was just a scriptwriter in name but scriptwriters were held in high regard in the industry, even though it was his first script but to immediately be picked up by a producer and network showed how good he was in writing.

When it was over it was time for everyone to take a group photo as to post for the papers and articles, the lead actors stood at the center along with the director and prominent staff members.

"You were really good."

Kim Soo-Hyun apporached Junho after the photoshoot, though some staff members took photos of them, while they were talking.

"Thanks, you were also very good and that hearing it from you it means a lot as a first timer."

"You will get the hang of it eventually, you were really good I will not lie, I was also a fan of the script which is why I agreed on taking the project and I was very surprised to hear that not only you were the scriptwriter but being cast as well."

Junho just smiled after they had finished shaking hands as he was a little embarrassed being praised for his acting skills that were just beginning.

"I don't know what to say, thanks for liking the script I guess?"

Kim-Soo-Hyun laughed and patted Junho's back.

"If you have any projects in the future remember me alright?"

"Sure, I'll do my best."

"Give me your phone you're going to need my number and I'll give you mine if I ever need a hit song if I want to join the music industry."

The two exchanged numbers and talked for a little while shortly everyone left the conference room, Junho caught up with Woo-Shik and did the same, they talked for awhile until Woo-Shik was fetched by his agent, when they were out of the building there were hoards of reporters.

Upon seeing Junho once more, they immediately rushed to him after questioning the other staff, Junho did the same and answered the best he could without giving much information, he answered generic answers to generic questions, it was until he saw Woo-Jin waving at him that he excused himself.


"The obligatory question."

"It was good, I learned a lot from my first script reading, though there were a lot of hiccups but it didn't concern me since they didn't say anything on my performance."

"Well let's focus on your current performance, ask yourself what can you do to be better? that's the first step into improving though I don't think you need to be reminded."

"I still need to be reminded from time to time."

"If that's what you want then I'll text you that line everyday, anyway the preparations for your concert has finished, do you want to check the venue tomorrow?"

"Why? Did the venue change?"

"Yeah, due to high demand since there was an outcry that the four thousand wasn't enough, so they changed it to Jamsil Arena with a ten thousand capacity though I don't know how much will go there but NNET and Pegasus predicts that at the very least there will be a minimum of eight thousand to a maximum of a full house thanks to the international fans wanting to go."

"Now that's going to be a lot."

"Yeah everyone's just waiting for the tickets to be sold, speaking of Tickets, TLive will be responsible for the stream so you guys will have to shoot the last livestream after the ticket sales end and announce how they can watch if they run out of tickets."

"Alright I get it, is there anything else?"

"No, you can go to sleep now."
