Ambitious, But Not Evil

Alex grabbed an apple as he walked through the kitchen and headed toward the front door. With a bag slung over one shoulder, he stepped out into the brisk night. He looked forward to enjoying the scenery of the still night on his walk home.

The occasional car would pass, and people could be seen scattered in the darkness, but the city was at peace.

A part of him was happy to be walking alone, as he had no one to protect. He was confident that there was no petty thug that could threaten him; though, he did desire someone to step out of line so he could stretch his legs after a long day of suppressing his rage!

Regrettably, his wish never came to fruition. The walk was mundane as he enjoyed a serene atmosphere around him. Even the unsavory characters seemed to avoid being in the area when he passed by.

'What is going on? not even the beggars are out!' He couldn't believe he had been undisturbed for so long; it seemed abnormal.

[That sneaky vampire.]

[She probably controls the gangs.]

[At least the ones around here.]

'You mean Vikki?' Alex thought, confused.

[Vivian, her mother.]

[She said she would take care of it.]

[Didn't she?]

'Well, I'll have to thank her!' He smiled, genuinely happy at the outcome.

[You can't thank her.]

[She's trying to cause you to owe her.]

[She probably set up the attack.]

[Think about it!]

'Even if she did, those guys were pretty dumb, and now I get to enjoy my walks in peace. That seems like a pretty decent trade.' Placing his hands behind his head, he ignored the system and focused on enjoying the chilly night air.

As his home came into view, Alex noticed that it was completely dark. 'Was she so angry that she left for the night?'

He pulled out his cell phone before remembering that the battery was dead and returned it to his pocket. If she wasn't there, he would have to wait until his phone charged before he could contact her.

Alex turned the handle—finding the front door unlocked—and stepped inside the entryway of his home. From the inside of the house, everything was still dark, except for a bright light shining under the door of his bedroom. Taking a deep breath, he approached that light.

He walked towards the bedroom, unsure of what he would find. Slowly opening the door, he could feel his heart beat so hard that it felt like it was going to pound out of his chest. A nervous nauseous sensation settled at the pit of his stomach.

He couldn't believe his eyes when he stepped through the door! Freezing in place, his gaze lingered as he stared at his parent's old bedroom.

All of the previous furniture was gone! Replacing it was two brand new nights stands near a king-sized bed that was dressed in an elegant black and red silk bedspread. A large dresser with a huge mirror had replaced his parents' beat-up model. Even the simple light fixture was replaced with an extravagant miniature chandelier!

Vikki laid on her stomach, propped on a giant pillow, with her feet crossed in the air. She wore only a pair of dark blue harem pants, humming as she read a thick book. He recognized the cover as volume 1 of a novel titled "Memories of the Gluttonous Sage," a famous web novel from his childhood!

"Lights dim." Vikki's soft voice rang out and the lights in the room suddenly shifted to a red hue and dimmed in brightness by about 70%.

'It seems she's a lot less upset than I expected!' He thought as he noticed a peculiar rectangle getting larger and larger in the corner of his vision.

"Vik, listen, I'm sorry, but I got a letter about my parents... I kind of lost my head." Alex dodged the book for fear that the tome could actually cause him severe damage.

"Do you know how embarrassed I was waking up like that?!" Vikki didn't listen to his reasoning and instead brought up Layla immediately.

A second had passed, and she finally realized what he had said.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry! What happened?" Vikki sat up the moment the words left her lips and beckoned her boyfriend to her side.

Alex started from the beginning and explained to his lover how the father he had known during his life wasn't his biological father. He told her that he had received an inheritance letter and needed advice from Jimmy because he didn't learn how to navigate the situation.

He hoped his half-lie would smooth things over.

"It must have been hard finding out about your real father this morning!" Vikki pulled him into her chest and squeezed him tight.

"I forgive you for running off! I'm not sure what I would have done in your shoes!" Vikki had completely misunderstood the situation in his favor.

Alex didn't feel good lying about the situation, but he couldn't explain the inheritance any other way. It would be weird if some stranger left money for him. What was the worst that could come of it?

He wrapped his arms around her and changed the conversation.

"I like the room, but what happened to all my parent's stuff?" He didn't want to seem unappreciative, but there may have been important belongings hidden among his mother's things.

He didn't know what items she received from his dino-dad, after all.

"I may be ambitious, but I'm not evil! Who do you think I am? Layla?" Vikki asked as she let out a slight giggle.

"I had some movers pack everything up safely and put it into storage." She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled his face up to meet hers.

"I thought you'd appreciate it if we weren't intimate on your parents' old belongings." She slid her hands under his shirt, onto his back, and dug her nails into his skin lightly while she kissed him deeply.

Alex broke the kiss, "That does make sense; you're so thoughtful," he whispered as he moved closer to her ear.

Suddenly, he lifted her—sliding her further up the bed—and climbed between her knees.