Meaningful Discussions…?

Marcius observed the small red object in his hand. It looked very much like a small seed.

It was his reward for killing the Alpha Lycanis. He got 800 bounty points and the small seed.

It was called 'Crismon Sky Seed.'

According to Kio's explanation, the seed would be a great help for Marcius's cultivation. When he could cultivate, of course.

Apparently, the system decided that what Marcius needed most right now was to get strong as soon as he could cultivate.

Well, Marcius wasn't complaining. He also wanted to raise his cultivation as fast as he could.

But there was only one problem.

It was a seed. Marcius needed to plant it first.

Only when appropriately nurtured, the seed would bore fruit. The resulting fruit, which was called 'Crismon Sky Fruit,' could provide a tremendous boost to cultivation when freshly eaten.

The method of taking care of the seed was simple. It just needed a lot of blood and spirit energy.

Both of which, Marcius could procure quickly in large amounts.

Blood? He could just go on another trip to clear the forest, and kill a lot of demon beasts.

Spirit energy? The cores of the demon beasts would also take care of that.

Marcius clenched his fist, and the seed was swiftly stored in his storage ring.

Marcius slowly stood up, as he noticed the morning sun rays coming in from the tent's entrance.

He walked up to his table to quench his thirst by having a glass of water.

He now had 1,500 bounty points, in addition to the Crismon Sky Seed.

Bountiful harvest, indeed.

*** *** ***

"Young master, as you have predicted, Adrian Sulla has escaped our holding cells this early morning. We tried to track his movements, but we came up with nothing. This one deserved to be punished for his incompetence."

Ser John said as he kneeled in front of Marcius.

"Don't worry. It is not your fault. It is his innate physique that makes him that much slippery to catch and contain." Marcius replied from his lying-down position on a comfortable looking chair.

He was reading through some documents as listened to Ser John's report.

"And, it doesn't matter."

"Pardon, young master?"

"I said it doesn't matter. Because he will be returning to us in no time."

Marcius threw the papers onto the nearby table.

'F**k, I'm getting more and more lazy. Thanks the heavens, I'm still hardworking and diligent when it comes to training and things that actually matter.'

"I'm afraid I do not understand, young master. Why would he be coming back to us? He tried to kill you and we put him in a holding cell. We are practically enemies. How can you be so sure he will come back?"

Marcius didn't reply immediately. He considered for a moment and addressed the leader of shadow guards.

"Ser Joh, do you know what is the most powerful thing in the world?"

Marcius's question seemed easy. Ser John, for a moment. thought about answering it was cultivation. Truly, this was a world where the strong ruled the weak.

Personal strength was all that mattered, and the way to attain personal strength was through cultivation.

But Ser John also knew better. He could guess the answer was not so simple.

As he was pondering, Marcius answered it for him.

"It is 'Hope,' Ser John."


"Hope." Marcius nodded.

"Hope can make a man do anything. As long as there is hope, it gives them the motivation to keep going. A person without hope is a person doomed to fail." Marcius said.

"People would go to war for greed, lust and wrath. But at the root of all is hope. Hope that they could get more, hope that they could get what they wanted, hope that they could avenge their loved ones."

Marcius continued as Ser John listened silently.

"For Adrian, that hope is his little sister. He would gladly give his life for her. He would do anything to cure his sister's sickness. And he now knows that I, perhaps, will have a solution or cure. And that is all he needs. A spark of hope."

After Marcius finished speaking, Toros came into the tent.

"Young master, the task of dismantling the demon beasts' bodies is nearly finished. Do you want to take a look at the results?"

"Oh, yes. I did order you to come and get me after you have finished the task."

Marcius stood up from his lazy position.

"Alright, lead the way."

Toros led Marcius towards the outside of the tent.

"Oh, and, today's breakfast was delicious. Nice seasoning with the Lycanis steak."

"I'll let the cook knows that young master appreciates her food."

"Please do."

As the two of them got farther from the tent, their voices got inaudible.

Ser John was left alone in the tent, mulling over the conversation he just had with the heir of Aemilia clan.

"A spark of hope…"

*** *** ***

Author Notes

Hello! MidnightMK here!

Please leave comments and feedbacks. I really appreciate it.

Please enjoy the chapter! And please vote if you do!