The Secret Weapon

It was during Marcius's discussion of strategies and war tactics with his trusted generals late into the night, that he was alerted of important news by a soldier that stood guard outside his tent.

"Lord General, there is someone here to see you."

Marcius looked up from the large map sprawled across the long table at the center of the tent. He put down a miniature figure of a soldier with a sword and a shield that represented his troops on the map.

"Who is it?" Marcius was curious since it was very late into the night and the entire region was under tight security since the beginning of the bandit uprising.

"It is Lady Raina from the alchemy hall, Lord General." The soldier respectfully replied, and Marcius frowned a bit at the piece of information. Nonetheless, he gestured for the soldier to allow Raina in.

"Let her in."

After his command, Raina was gracefully escorted into the tent by the same soldier.

"Young master." Raina bowed a little as soon as she saw Marcius.