Sworn to Protect Senior Qian Chen

Once Jiang Hao sensed the presence of Senior Brother Qian Chen, he quickly chased after him.

Unlike others, he was not affected by the Blood Pool. He moved faster than usual.

The Blood Pool actively cooperated with him.

This made Jiang Hao suspect a connection between the Heavenly Fate Misfortune Pearl and the Blood Pool. It was not merely one-sided like he expected.

He couldn't find an exact answer to this mystery, and he didn't have time to think about it right now.

After some time, he finally caught up with Senior Brother Qian Chen. He had left the Blood Pool, and it appeared that he was returning to Devil's Den.

When he looked back, all he saw was endless blood mist, as if it was a seal covering the Blood Pool from below.

As for why the Blood Pool had a connection to the Heavenly Fate Misfortune Pearl, he couldn't come to any conclusions. Maybe even someone like Gu Jin didn't know.