It's You! You Hid Yourself Very Well

"Why do you insist on targeting Senior Brother Qian Chen?" asked the man with the large shield.

"Why?" Jiang Hao chuckled. "Because it amuses me."

"You..." The group of people were speechless.

"Don't you think you're taking this too far? Why are you targeting us? We didn't do anything to offend you," someone said.

Jiang Hao couldn't help but laugh. He pointed to the disciples who had fainted. "What about them? Did they offend you? Why were you planning to kill them?"

"It's their good fortune to pave the way for Senior Qian Chen's path. Not everyone has that privilege," someone said.

"I see… Such an honor, indeed," said Jiang Hao.

Just when they thought Jiang Hao understood, they suddenly saw a beam of moonlight.


The person who had just spoken had their head separated from their body.