Xiangshui tribute rice can be harvested!

Linlin villa dining room kitchen.

Lasda was arranging herbs in front of a pot. These were the herbs needed to make a herbal dish. He had been dancing with these herbs for the past few days.

Previously, he had recorded Mr. Qin's cooking process, but he didn't know how to cook the fish banquet at all. Now that he didn't have the ingredients, he could only settle for the second-best medicinal dish.

Qin Lin had prepared a normal herbal dish for Mr. Zhao to celebrate. The cost of the herbs didn't matter to lasda.

For lasda, the most difficult thing was that he couldn't make this kind of medicinal cuisine, just like Master Lin.

These days, he had tried it over and over again, and he didn't know how many medicinal herbs he had used. The same ordinary ingredients just didn't have that kind of taste.

After tasting the newly prepared medicinal cuisine, lasda angrily threw it all into the trash can. It still did not work.