Xiangshui tribute rice can be harvested

Just as he was thinking about it, he received a message on WeChat.

Seeing that it was from his wife, he immediately picked it up to check. When he saw the video sent by Tang Wan, he was shocked.

In the video, there were three bottles of Linlin medicinal wine. They seemed to be placed on the shelves.

he was very clear about the effects of the linlin medicinal wine, so he immediately sent a message to ask, " "Honey, what's with this Linlin medicinal wine?"

Tang Wan's reply came very quickly. hubby, there's a binggui shop in boss Qin's Manor. You can buy many things that you can't buy outside. These three bottles of Linlin medicinal wine are available today.

Chen shengfei's eyes lit up when he saw the message and hurriedly sent a message: honey, then hurry up and buy these three bottles of wine. Hide them secretly and don't let Lin Liu and the others know.

"They're just next to us!" Tang Wan replied with an awkward emoji.