It's still unknown who's begging for! 10 billion Yuan project

How could they allow others to be so arrogant in their own territory? they even threatened to lead their entire industry by five years!

Qin Lin took Minister Lu and Minister Jin to the experimental field where the purification grass was planted.

When the car stopped and they saw the vast and dense purification grass, Minister Jin and Minister Lu were a little shocked.

They could feel that because of this experimental ground, the air in the surrounding area was so good that it was unbelievable.

Minister Jin took out the AQI detector again. A moment later, the value displayed on the device was 1.

Just as Qin Lin had guessed, a Grade 1 purification grass was not as effective as a Grade 2 one. However, as long as there was enough of it, the effect of a Grade 1 purification grass would not be worse than a Grade 2 one.

"Mr. Qin, how many purification herbs do you need for a 50 square meter room?" asked Minister Jin hurriedly.