A 10 billion project! It's still unknown who's asking for it

"That's good." Evans nodded in satisfaction and then smiled. when the discussion is over, the people from this Eastern country will definitely come and ask about it. Their city's air condition is world-famous.

"Hahaha!" don't worry, Mr. Evans. professor Abba nodded and smiled. the fact that they're here to ask means that the technology isn't perfect yet. It's not enough to be promoted.

Evans 'smile became even wider.

Indeed, they would not license the technology to the other party.

This was also their mainstream opinion.

If the other party wanted to license it, they would have to wait until they developed a new generation of technology.

When the time came, they wouldn't mind using outdated technology to license to the other party, and the price would naturally be the price of new technology.

Their research company wasn't very good in this area, so they could only suffer this loss.