Drifting is the most fun thing in Linlin Manor

Chen dabei washed the peaches and squatted by the water. As he stepped on the water and moved his hands in the water, an inexplicable feeling welled up in his heart.

He was from the countryside and had no fun when he was young. He could only catch loaches in the fields, fish in the rivers in the village, and play in the water with his friends.

That was also the happiest time of his life. It was his childhood, and summer was the happiest time of his life.

However, as they grew older and the pressure increased, not only did the abandoned fields disappear, but also the children's fun that had already become a blur in their memories.

Now, just by washing the peaches, the fun of playing in the water from his childhood actually appeared.

This was quite inexplicable.

Chen dabei did not know that this was the effect of the +3 child's fun attribute.

He could only lament that he had grown older and it was time for him to be sentimental.