The most fun thing in Linlin Manor is drifting (2)

In an instant, Li Li and Wang Le had an inexplicable urge to play with water. Li Li actually took a water ladle and poured it directly at Wang Le. Then, Wang Le also started to fight back, playing and exclaiming repeatedly.

This was an inexplicable joy, and the two of them actually didn't stop talking about it. Moreover, while playing, the two of them seemed to have forgotten everything else. They actually had the carefree feeling of playing in the water as children.

it had been a long time since he had felt this way.

The two of them had never had so much fun in any Scenic Area.

It was not only Li Li and Wang Le, but the other tourists were the same. They inexplicably wanted to play, and they were inexplicably happy.

They didn't know why it was like this, but it was like this.

They had only experienced this feeling at the Linlin villa's drifting attraction. Even the other attractions in Linlin villa didn't give them this kind of fun.