Chapter 494-a sudden turn of events!

first, don't mess around when you're working in the villa. You have to work seriously.

second, I can't give you any special treatment. I have to listen to the leader's arrangements and learn from my seniors seriously. I can't be put in a difficult position by my boss.

His way of dealing with people was that since his boss gave him face, he couldn't let his boss lose face.

When Chen Hui heard this, she immediately said,"Grandpa, I understand. Do you think your granddaughter is that stupid?" What good will it do me in the future if I embarrass you in front of the boss?"

"It's good that you know." Master Lin nodded.

After inviting his two son-in-law's families over for a meal, Master Lin brought Chen Hui back to Linlin villa and went to the multimedia department.

Linlin Manor.