We can only rely on the pet merchant

Qin Lin woke up early in the morning and heard his mother's anxious voice."Lin Lin, come out and take a look at little red hair and the two parrots."

When Qin Lin came out, he saw his mother anxiously looking at Chi Mao, Xiao Wu, and Xiao Bao, who were sitting on the sofa.

Their bodies were lying on the sofa, just like wangcai and Xiaoxue yesterday.

Xiao Wu still weakly muttered,"Master, it's uncomfortable, it's so uncomfortable!"

Qin Lin hurriedly went over and touched the three little ones. Sure enough, they were as hot as wangcai and Xiaoxue.

He quickly called Chen dabei and asked him to send Chi Mao, Xiao Wu, and Xiao Bao to the veterinary Department.

Qin Lin saw Zhang Guizhu and the veterinarians when he arrived.

Zhang Guizhu and the veterinarians looked Haggard. They had stayed up all night.