Chapter 625-a mysterious area! The amazing effects of the medicinal wine!

in the plantation department of linlin manor, yu shui was sitting in her manager's office, reading the news on her phone.

He was naturally focused on the news about Linlin Scenic Area.

As the manager of a Department in the scenic Area, he knew that he had to understand some of the things that happened in the scenic Area. It might be related to the plantation Department.

It would also allow him to deal with it immediately.

He had been a manager for a long time, and his thinking was different from when he first started as a plantation employee.

In the past month, their Scenic Area had indeed been very lively, and the reason was naturally because of the fireflies.

in the past month, the news about fireflies in linlin mountain villa had never stopped. the main reason was that those who saw the news about fireflies were attracted, and tourists came to linlin scenic area one after another.