Chapter 625-a mysterious area! The medicinal wine's amazing effects

On the other side, Qin Lin had already driven to the winery with Li Qing.

Li Qing really knew how to grasp the timing, and he came at the right time.

At the winery, master Zhang was planning to open a jar of bone-strengthening medicinal wine for the elderly today. After Qin Lin gave him the secret recipe, the winery had been brewing a lot of bone-strengthening medicinal wine.

Although the first batch of wine that he brewed personally had not yet been fully released, the medicinal wine was different from ordinary wine. The taste and taste were affected by the medicinal herbs, so it was not too important.

Moreover, the medicinal wine was particular about its efficacy, so it didn't matter even if the taste was a little bad.

Now, the winery naturally had to send some wine to the selected medicinal wine seller.