That's actually a hover car

However, before this thing was born, Edison had done research, from electric current splitting to photovoltaic lamp experiments ... It took them 31 years to complete the electric light research.

To give another common example, 1+1 = 2 was a math problem that all kindergarten students knew, but who knew that Goldbach's conjecture proved 1+1 = 2, which took almost hundreds of pages, and there was still no result.

Also, there was a mathematician in China who won a world-class mathematics award for his research on why 1+1 was equal to 2.

Even though Minister Lu and the others had found the magnetic ores that the hovercar needed so easily, they were still not satisfied.

If there was no technical information, and they did not even know that these magnetic ores could be used, they would have to choose from the thousands of magnetic ores, and the combination would be huge.

The probability of the numerical system between one blade and nine was much smaller than the lottery.