A new era has been created

When they saw the hover car being pushed out, the surrounding tourists and reporters were shocked.

The reporters couldn't help but take pictures of the hover car.

The tourists were the same. They took videos like crazy and uploaded them on the internet.

In front of the sealed entrance, Luo Hua had already brought his men to the hover car. He took out his notebook and was ready to record the data.

At the same time, he had a technician approach the hover car and said, " let's begin. Start the hovercraft and conduct the on-site experiment!

"Okay, professor Luo!" The technician nodded and began to put on protective measures.

After all, this was the first time a hover car was being tested. Everyone had to be careful. Otherwise, with so many people watching, if an accident happened, it would be a joke.

At this moment, in another building, Chen Li, sun Xian, the leader from Beijing, and Minister Lu had already been arranged to be inside.