I hope it can be proven fake _2

This made countless people curious.

That was a hovercar, and it was completely different from ordinary cars. Everyone wanted to try riding a hovercar in the air.

The key was the news released by you city, "They could invite tourists to participate.

Didn't this mean that everyone would have a chance to participate? Countless netizens began to search online for the conditions of being invited.

You Cheng had confirmed the conditions of the invitation. The reason for holding such an experience conference was also decided by the leader and Minister Lu after discussion.

Otherwise, Chen Li and sun Xian would not even dare to think about such a thing.

Because for you city, this kind of news conference would be very sensational, and the whole you city would enter a white hot craze.

In this situation, if it was danyou Cheng himself, he might not be able to control everything.