I hope it can be proven to be fake _3

This was the complexity and diversity of people. One's perception of certain things would also change due to certain factors.

However, one thing was for sure. The same thing would be very different if a group of people participated in it.

Eternal also spent a few days writing a long novel praising you Cheng.

After that, he excitedly posted the novel on you city's special page.

This special page was set up for those who couldn't write essays and make suggestions.

As long as you wrote your own composition and suggestions, there would be specialized people to review them.

You city had hired a lot of language teachers and civil service staff to review it.

Some suggestions would be handed over to the directors to read.

As long as they felt that it was useful or not bad, they would select it and submit it to the leaders above. Then, the leaders above would carry out the selection review. Those that they felt were not bad would be sent to Chen Li.