The Modern Warriors Were Completely Destroyed by the Ancient Warriors!

" Yes. " Mr Lu nodded. " In other words, we need to go to the Church's headquarters, but they won't let us in so easily, right? "

"Definitely not!" Mahone nodded.

"That will be a little troublesome." Minister Lu sighed helplessly.

" However, " Mahone continued, " there is a map on their warship. We can know the location of the church headquarters. "

"That's good news." Mr Lu then ordered the aircraft carrier to move at full speed towards the location of the Church's headquarters.


Aven had 12 kings.

After the development of the 12 kings, the entire country was very stable. The economy was developed, and the entire world was unified.

The current king was called Kirst, a strong and heroic emperor. Legend had it that he could easily lift a huge cauldron and wield a sword that was incomparably sharp.

In the past, there were brothers who had caused trouble. They had brought more than 20 experts to attack Kirst, but Kirst had killed all of them.