The Modern Warriors Were Completely Annihilated by the Ancient Warriors!



The aircraft carrier followed the map and docked on a piece of land.

There was no port here.

The port was located in a big city. They would not enter rashly, so they chose to dock at this coast.

Moreover, to prevent the ship from being stranded, they had to use small ships to transport all the warriors and related personnel from various countries ashore.

"Let's go. The aircraft carrier won't be able to help us anymore!" Mr Lu said as he looked at the route on the map.

To be honest, he was under a lot of pressure. After all, he was in charge of technology, but now he had to be responsible for such a big thing.

When they arrived on land, some people were already having a good time, especially those warriors from the west.

The soldiers of Beauty Nation were the main force, and they could not wait to head inland.