
There was a pavilion in the courtyard where Li Qingshan lived and a small garden outside the pavilion. There were flowers planted in the garden, some of which Li Qingshan had never seen before.

The courtyard wasn't considered big. It was an ordinary house.

A year's rent cost 2,000 points, which was an astronomical price for ordinary people.

Therefore, the people who lived in the Dimensional Battlefield, other than the families of the soldiers, were all rich people.

Returning to the courtyard, Li Qingshan put all the Path records he had bought aside and took out his jade token. The 8,000 recorded on it had now become 1,000.

"Seeing me spend 7,000 points with their own eyes, those who originally treated this amount of points as their own probably feel uncomfortable all over." Li Qingshan smiled.

Anyway, the points were awarded by the Immortal Path Golden Ranking. For Li Qingshan, it was a free lunch, and he didn't feel bad spending all of them.