King of Patience

"He knows that we've been watching him, so he spent all his points and rented a courtyard. He plans to hide and wait for us to let down our guard."

"Even if he runs out of points, there are still five celestial artifacts that can be sold for a lot of points. How can I let him go?" Someone snorted coldly.

"Right now, there are more than a dozen families that are targeting him. The Dimensional Battlefield is complicated and not something a kid like him who has just arrived can play with."

"What if he doesn't come out for a year?"

"Then let's wait for a year. I don't believe that this kid will still have points to rent a house after a year."

"Why doesn't he want to go out and earn points and then fight for the opportunity to become an Immortal?"

"Maybe he's not confident in his own power."

"Isn't he ranked first on the Immortal Path Golden Ranking?"