Entering the Immortal Plane (4)

Li Qingshan walked into the Gate of Immortality and immediately felt his vision go black as if he was plummeting infinitely. In less than three seconds, the darkness gave way to a bright expanse, with dense Immortal Energy assaulting his face.

Li Qingshan opened his eyes and looked at the new world.

Immortal Plane!

The ultimate aspiration for cultivators in the Human World, the legendary supreme Immortal Plane.

In the legends of the Human World, Immortal traveled the Northern Sea in the morning and Cangwu in the evening. They could be said to be the model of elegance.

However, Li Qingshan knew that it was just the Immortal Plane in the imagination of the Human World cultivators.

The real Immortal Plane was vastly different from the world they imagined. It could be said to be the difference between ideal and reality.