Entering the Immortal Plane (5)

"May I know your name, general?" Li Qingshan asked.

"Others call me General Butcher, some call me General Killgod, and some call me General Maniac. However, I like others to call me General Bai!" General Bai chuckled and said.

Li Qingshan immediately paid his respects and said, "Greetings, General Bai!"

"No need for so many formalities. You're not a soldier under my command, nor are you a member of the Celestial Court. We can converse as equals." General Bai waved his hand, and a gust of wind helped Li Qingshan up. He easily suppressed Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan was amazed at the power of General Bai.

However, upon closer thought, if he weren't formidable, how could he become a general and acquire so many titles?

"What's your name?" General Bai asked.

"Li Qingshan!" Li Qingshan replied.

"What's the situation in the Human World now?" General Bai asked again.