The Situation Is Set (4)

All the primordial spirits surged out of the Monster Realm, crashing onto Li Qingshan's River of Time, stirring up infinite ripples, bursting forth with terrifying energy, surging above the Immortal Plane, causing the world to stare in astonishment, horror, and disbelief.

The new generation of Emperors clashed with several veteran Emperors.

Emperors from other worlds also watched closely. Could Li Qingshan, who broke free from the shackles of eternity, stand up against the Monster Realm, as the Celestial Court teetered on the brink of extinction?

At this moment, several Emperors within the Monster Realm unleashed various secret techniques, every inch of their bodies releasing energy, every cell a treasure trove, Emperor power surging.

These energies combined could tear the universe apart, and shatter galaxies.