The Situation Is Set (5)

The Immortal Plane was under siege, primarily orchestrated by the inhabitants of the God Realm.

The God Realm aimed to return to the Immortal Plane, to dominate it once more, and to revive its former glory. This goal was widely known.

Li Qingshan's calm gaze fell upon the God Realm as he said, "Will you retreat?"

With the God Realm subdued, Li Qingshan was unconcerned about other powers.

Despite the Demon Realm and Hell boasting Emperors of their own, Li Qingshan sensed their strength to be on par with the Monster Realm.

"In my recent battle with the Emperors of the Monster Realm, several of them lacked the same level of strength. They were only marginally stronger than the Crimson Immortals. Even without wielding two Rules, I could defeat them. How can Emperors of such inferior strength exist?" Li Qingshan pondered, noticing this phenomenon.