Nine Lifetimes (2)

Locking down the mind monkey, unleashing one's spiritual strength, finding one's own path, and climbing all the way without being influenced by external factors, Amitabha is truly worthy of being the founder of a Path.

[Your walking and observing along the way activated Maxed-Level Comprehension, and you've comprehended Amitabha's Mind Monkey Control Technique!]

A line of text suddenly appeared in front of Li Qingshan's eyes.

His expression changed. This was indeed a very precious thing. Amitabha's Buddhist Dharma was based on the mind monkey. What he cherished the most was the method of controlling it.

Li Qingshan had lived for eight lifetimes, but his mind was still restless.

He had been cultivating his spiritual energy, spiritual spirit, and spiritual body, but he had never cultivated his mind.

The Mind Monkey Control Technique was exactly what Li Qingshan needed.