Nine Lifetimes (3)

The Emperor Space now had reached its peak, where other Emperors could be nurtured. Li Qingshan naturally opened it up to others, handing over control to Patriarch Zhang and Dean Mu Ran. He brought Little Nine and the others in to settle nearby, accelerating their cultivation speed.

After completing these tasks, Li Qingshan finally felt at ease to seclude himself and prepare to live out his ninth life.

Following his usual practice, he prepared a coffin for himself and lay inside, calm and serene, awaiting death.

During the wait for death, Li Qingshan diligently practiced the Mind Monkey Control Technique.

He focused on subduing his inner demons and gradually touching upon the power of the soul.

Thus, the outline of the ninth life gradually emerged.

The power of the mind constructed his ninth life, and in the process of breakthrough, Li Qingshan calmly awaited the baptism of time.

After this death, he saw a glimmer of light.