A Bloody Path

The only places that could satisfy Xu Qi's requirements were probably the hyperstores and supermarkets. However, it was also necessary to make a trip to the water storage station as he needed to solve the problem of clean water first.

System, check my personal information.

Xu Qi muttered in his heart. Earlier, he was almost bitten by a zombie and didn't have time to check the detailed information.

[Host's current personal information is as follows.]

Name: Xu Qi

Age: 18

Strength: 11 (Ordinary People: 10)

Physique: 10 points (Ordinary People: 10)

Intelligence: 11 (Ordinary People: 10)

Agility: 11 (Ordinary People: 10)

Appearance: 17 points (Ordinary 10)

Score: 0 points

Items: None

Looking at the pile of information in front of him, Xu Qi felt a little more confident.

In the past few years, he had deliberately toned his body by going to the gym many times, but his physical fitness was about the same as an ordinary person's.

Apart from his good looks, everything else about him was ordinary.

Phew… All of this seems surreal. If not for the system, I'd probably be no different from those corpses on the road.

Xu Qi looked around and sighed in his heart.

However, being eaten up by zombies wasn't the worst thing that could happen. If there were still some remains left of a victim, he or she would become a zombie in a few days. Nothing could be worse than that.

When that happened, the dead person's corpse would linger in the world, without a chance for it to be buried.

After fastening his seat belt again, Xu Qi started the car and prepared to leave this godforsaken place.

By this time, the sky had already darkened. The soil on the ground was mixed with solidified dark brown blood. Broken limbs could be seen everywhere, and there were zombies moving around.

Not far ahead, Xu Qi found a few survivors.

There was a young couple in a turquoise van.

A faint cry of a baby attracted his attention. At the same time, it attracted a few terrifying zombies.

"Little baby, don't cry. The milk powder will be ready in a while. Mommy is begging you!"

The young mother, whose face was covered in tears, covered the baby's mouth tightly and coaxed him in a low voice.

Hiding in the driver's seat, his father's expression changed drastically. His entire body trembled uncontrollably.

Unfortunately, the cries had already attracted a few zombies. The zombies rushed over like sharks that had smelled blood, causing the small van to sway and almost flip over.

Witnessing this situation, Xu Qi, who was inside his armored vehicle, was worried for the young family. However, he could only rely on the armored vehicle to protect himself. He had no ability to save them.

At this moment, a tall zombie with a dark green face rushed into the zombie group. Xu Qi's eyes flashed. He noticed that the tall zombie was holding a fire-fighting hammer that weighed more than ten kilograms.

It swung the hammer directly at the windshield of the small van.

Seeing this, Xu Qi was shocked. It had only been 10 minutes since the zombie virus outbreak, but there were already zombies who knew how to use tools!

A mutation? Or a coincidence!

Xu Qi was clueless. He looked over and saw that the green-faced zombie had smashed the van's windshield like paper.

The zombies that had been waiting for a long time immediately pounced on the family. Before the father, who was sitting in the driver's seat, could resist, he was torn into pieces.

The interior of the car was stained with blood!

The mother at the side was also bitten by the zombies and instantly died!

Even the baby that was hidden under the back seat by his mother was not spared. The entire family was torn into pieces.

The cries stopped abruptly. The zombies were fighting over the food in their hands like hyenas. This scene made Xu Qi's back tingle.

In an apocalypse, one had to be cruel and cold-blooded in order to survive. As long as one had the slightest compassion, one might end up dying.

In the face of the virus, status and money became worthless. The only thing that could save you was yourself.

Xu Qi was furious and clenched his fists so hard that they cracked.

Even though he knew that nothing would change, it was still difficult for him to endure the anger in his heart when he saw someone being bitten to death.

"F*ck! I'll kill you!"

Xu Qi cursed and immediately started the vehicle.

The roar of the engine attracted the attention of the surrounding zombies. They all rushed towards him.

Seeing this, the green-faced zombie that was chewing on flesh immediately threw away the broken limbs in its hands. It roared and raised its fire-fighting hammer, wanting to use the same trick to smash Xu Qi's car window.

At this moment, the powerful horsepower of his mobile construction vehicle was vividly displayed. The surrounding vans were instantly smashed into a pile of scrap metal.

With the help of the titanium alloy ram, large vehicles were directly cut in half and crushed by the thick tires.

Xu Qi sat in the driver's seat and did not suffer any bumps. He floored the accelerator. The huge armored vehicle was like a majestic rhinoceros as it directly smashed the zombies into a bloody mist.

As for the green-faced zombie that tried to break the glass of his car window, its chest was punctured by the ram. It rolled under the wheels and turned into minced meat.

Before the green-faced zombie died, it used its hammer to smash the windscreen several times. However, the bulletproof glass of the armored vehicle could resist rifle bullets. The damage inflicted by the zombie's hammer was like scratching an itch. It did not make a dent.

Zombies kept coming from all directions. All of them were either dead or crippled, but they still chased after him tirelessly.

When the few survivors who were hiding in their vehicles saw an armored vehicle weighing dozens of tons rushing over, they were all scared out of their wits. Fortunately, they were close to the sidewalks, so they were spared.

Some quick-witted people wanted to cry for help, but they were afraid that their cries would attract zombies. They could only give up resentfully and look enviously at the armored vehicle that was whistling away.

In just two to three minutes, Xu Qi rushed out of the main street. Not only was his journey smooth, but he also killed many zombies, which made him feel good.

[Ding… Congratulations to the host for killing 107 zombies in a row. You have received 10 points. As long as you accumulate 30 points, you can exchange for a God-level choice. Please continue.]

"Awesome! As expected of an armored vehicle. This driving experience is amazing!"

Xu Qi patted the soft cushion and smiled at the notification that appeared in front of him.

"Beep… smart system Noah has finished loading. Please adjust it at any time."

As a notification sounded, Xu Qi saw that the progress bar on the big screen beside him was already full. It was replaced by a technological control interface.

Perhaps because the RV was the basic edition, part of Noah's functions were still unusable, but there was an additional navigation effect.

"Then let's try one-click navigation."

Xu Qi said eagerly.

If there was a smart system to analyze the route, it would definitely be more thoughtful than him.

"Beep… Navigation complete for analysis. Master, please choose your direction."

1. The Volvo Mall 70 kilometers away. There are sufficient food and tools there to provide a lot of supplies.

2. The pure water distribution station 18 kilometers away can provide a large amount of pure water, generators, and other equipment.

3. The gas station 30 kilometers away can provide a lot of gasoline, diesel, and some food.

4. …

Looking at the dazzling array of options in front of him, Xu Qi resolutely chose the nearest water distribution station.

It was not worth it to consume gasoline by driving a long distance. It was better to solve the problem of water first.