You Want to Stop Me With Just a Roadblock? Impossible!

After making the decision, Xu Qi immediately started the MCV. As the zombie virus spread, power and communications in the entire Qingzhou City would definitely be disrupted. He would feel more at ease with advance crisis preparation.

Driving on the road, Xu Qi noticed through the car window that many places outside had already changed. There were partial human remains everywhere on the street.

The MCV had reached the end of the main street. The traffic on the road was no longer as congested as before. Occasionally, he could see a few survivors hiding in their cars.

More than half of the zombies on the road had been crushed, but there were still many zombies surrounding him, slapping the steel plated MCV.

However, at this moment, Xu Qi was not in the mood to care about those zombies anymore. This was because he saw that there were many roadblocks up ahead, not far from the end of the main street.

There were concrete guardrails and aluminum alloy spikes on the ground that sealed off the path in front of him.

In this situation, even a truck would be useless, let alone an ordinary car.

After all, those tire breakers were not a joke. Even if it was a modified MCV, Xu Qi was not confident that it could pass through without any damage.

He now realized why the main street was completely blocked. It turned out that the army had blocked the road.

Xu Qi guessed that the officials had long known about the virus. They had deliberately suppressed the truth to prevent the citizens from rioting.

They did not care about the life and death of ordinary people at all!

If the officials dared to seal off the main street, they might lock down the entire Qingzhou City. If he did not hurry up, it would be too late to leave!

At the thought of this, Xu Qi questioned angrily, "Noah, what's going on? The route you planned doesn't work at all!"

Xu Qi was furious. If he had known that there was a roadblock here, he would have turned around and taken a detour. The situation was urgent now. If he delayed any longer, something might happen.

Now there were many other survivors' cars following behind him. If he turned around, it would definitely cause another traffic jam.

Although he was no saint, he couldn't possibly ram into living persons with his MCV!

"Master, don't panic. The MCV uses honeycomb carbon fiber tires. They won't get punctured easily, and there's an automatic repair program.

The chassis is made of pure steel. Even if a grenade explodes, it won't cause serious damage. Based on Noah's precise calculations, this MCV can crush the roadblock!"

Xu Qi listened to Noah's explanation patiently, but he still didn't believe it.

After all, no matter how awesome the modified tires were, they were basically made of rubber. It was difficult to imagine how they could not be damaged when the MCV that weighed dozens of tons rammed through the roadblock.

Since he had no choice now, he might as well test if the MCV was really as awesome as Noah said.

With this thought, he immediately started the engine and steered the huge MCV towards the roadblock at high speed.

Those survivors who were straining to resist the zombies were a little stunned when they saw this. There were guardrails and tire-stabbing devices in front of them. Is this person crazy enough to drive straight into them? they wondered.

When tires got punctured at high speed, they might burst, causing a vehicle to flip on its side!

In the blink of an eye, the citizens who were in a dilemma behind watched helplessly as the MCV clad in steel rushed towards the roadblock.

Due to the titanium alloy breaker at the front of the MCV, the steel guardrails were instantly broken into two. Even when it rolled over the spikes, it did not slow down at all. Not only did the vehicle pass through smoothly, it did not even jolt!

If the people following behind had not seen it with their own eyes, no one would believe it!

"Tire assembly damaged at 0.5 percent. Repairing in progress. Estimated time to repair is three minutes…

One percent damage to the ram assembly. Repairing in progress. Estimated time to repair is five minutes."

Looking at the two messages that appeared on the screen, Xu Qi smiled. At this moment, he finally understood the performance of the entire MCV.

"As expected of a product of the system. Impressive."

Not only was it sturdy and durable, but it could also automatically repair itself. This kind of advanced technology was what the apocalypse needed the most.

Xu Qi had the system now, but other than having a steel war chariot, he was still similar to an ordinary person.

Therefore, in the apocalypse, everything had to be done carefully. Unless there was an emergency, he should not get out of the car recklessly.

At this moment, he had successfully passed through the obstacle and could leave this dangerous area at any time. However, the survivors not far from him were not so lucky.

Although the steel guardrails in front of them were broken by his chariot, the tire-stabbing devices still prevented them from leaving.

The performance of ordinary family sedans was poor to begin with. Some of them only had front-wheel drive. If there was a problem with the tires, they could not walk at all and could only stay here to wait for death.

Coupled with the constant gathering of zombies, ordinary cars did not have enough horsepower to charge out of the zombie horde. It was basically a dire situation.

Previously, they could still rely on Xu Qi's armored vehicle to open up a path. As long as they followed behind, they would be able to advance smoothly. But now, these roadblocks were no different from tigers blocking their way.

For a moment, the survivors who were still parked on the main street were in danger. There were roadblocks in front of them and zombies chasing after them, so all kinds of curses and cries could be heard.

Soon, unable to resist the fear of death, some people stepped on their accelerators to force their way through the roadblock.

However, their hollow tires could not withstand the damage caused by the alloy spikes. The tires exploded and they lost control of their vehicles which crashed into the guardrails and fell to the side of the road.

The zombies were attracted to the loud noise and quickly tore the rest of the survivors into pieces. What was left of the scene were desperate screams.

"F*ck! Beasts, I'll kill you!"

"Save me! I don't want to die yet!!"

"Mom… don't leave me behind. I'll be obedient in the future!!"

"Kid, that modified car of yours can take at least 30 people. Why didn't you save them!!"

Voices of anger, jealousy, and despair mingled and echoed through the main street for a long time.

Xu Qi looked at the tragic scene unfolding on the car's holographic display system and felt a little uncomfortable.

He was completely helpless in regard to this situation. Although there was some room in his MCV, there was not much gasolene left. Moreover, everyone had ulterior motives during the apocalypse.

Taking pity on others was equivalent to being cruel to oneself. If he let others get into the car, he was not confident that he would remain in the driver's seat.

Now the only thing he could only rely on was this car.

Xu Qi took a deep breath and his gaze became firm again.

He immediately started the car and drove away quickly.

The sound of the engine was like a violent lion's roar, attracting most of the zombies surrounding the main street.

"That's all I can do. It's up to you to escape."

Xu Qi said calmly. Then he opened the window and threw out the phone that was playing the loudest ringtone.

With the coming of the apocalypse, Internet connection had been cut off. Keeping the phone was of no use. It was better to do some good and help as many as possible.