Enhancement Potion! Breakthrough!

The mobile phone that was thrown out of the car quickly attracted a large number of zombies. When people behind Xu Qi saw the hunched, bloodied zombies pouncing on the phone, they immediately reacted.

One by one, they rushed towards the roadblock.

There were fewer zombies around them now. They had to give it a try at all costs or stay here and wait for death!

Dozens of cars knocked the zombies away in a frenzy as they sped to the only intersection.

Some of them were unlucky. Their tires exploded, forcing their cars to stop. But most of them successfully crashed through the remaining guardrails and escaped.

A black van finally broke through the encirclement. The middle-aged man driving the car looked into the distance excitedly.

The MCV that had crashed through the roadblock earlier had disappeared after getting rid of most of the zombies.

If not for that car attracting the attention of the zombies, he would have been bitten to death by the zombies like the others sooner or later.

Furthermore, there were also tall monsters that knew how to use tools on the main street. If he was trapped there, he would die sooner or later.

The middle-aged man didn't dare to stay any longer. He looked gratefully in the direction where the MCV disappeared and fled down a small path.

By this time, the sky had turned completely dark. Xu Qi was driving the MCV along a narrow road.

This was a remote part of Qingzhou City. It was much quieter outside the city than in the city center.

Other than the headlights of the MCV, there were only a few lonely solar street lamps in the entire street.

When he was about 500 meters away from the purified water distribution station, he switched to the low gasolene consumption mode in his MCV. This would not only save gasolene, but it would also reduce the noise of the engine.

However, when the power was greatly reduced, the vehicle could only be used for normal driving. Its effectiveness in hitting the zombies would be barely satisfactory.

Along the way, he had already killed hundreds of zombies and finally reached the 30-point mark.

[Ding… Points detected. You can exchange them for a God-level reward. Do you want to exchange?]

"Confirm exchange."

Xu Qi immediately prayed in his heart.

[Exchange successful. Divine-level selection activated.]

Option 1: A box of nutritionally balanced fresh food that can be consumed over 10 days.

Option 2: A dagger that can cut through iron. It can easily split a zombie's head.

Option 3: A bottle of basic Physique Enhancement Potion that can increase the user's strength and speed to that of a national athlete.

Faced with the three options, Xu Qi hesitated for a moment.

Food was exactly what he needed now. If he chose the first option, he would not starve for at least 10 days.

The second option didn't quite suit him now.

No matter how sharp a dagger was, he still needed to fight zombies at close range. His current physical fitness was only slightly better than ordinary people.

The danger was still too high. Moreover, the speed at which it could clean up the zombies was not as fast as the MCV. He could completely skip it.

The third option would resolve Xu Qi's current emergency.

After all, he could not stay in the car for the rest of his life. Even if he found food, he needed to get out of the car to move it. Therefore, the need to improve his physical fitness was very urgent.

In addition, it was not easy to obtain points. If he did not make good use of them, he would not be able to change his situation in a short period of time.

Now the food was completely incomparable to the medicine, so Xu Qi only thought for a moment before choosing the third option.

After making his decision, a small bottle of dark-colored medicine immediately appeared in front of him. There were even some floating objects in it. It was extremely mysterious.

"Let's see how effective it is."

Xu Qi licked his dry lips and immediately opened the medicine bottle in front of him. Then he raised his head and swallowed it.

The enhancement potion did not have as strange a taste as he had thought. He only felt a chill down his throat before it seemed to disappear.

The potion took effect much faster than he had imagined.

Within a few seconds, Xu Qi felt his skin tingle.

A chill spread from his heart to his limbs. He felt that everything in front of him had become much brighter. Even the hidden injuries he had suffered when he worked out in the past had disappeared without a trace.

His muscles tightened at a speed visible to the naked eye. Although there was no change in size, Xu Qi could feel that his strength and speed had increased by more than a little!!

"System, open the personal interface!"

Xu Qi stretched and felt that his bones and cells were full of vitality.

In any case, the sound insulation of the MCV was top-notch. Even if he shouted, no one would be able to hear him.

[Host's current personal information is as follows.]

Name: Xu Qi

Age: 18

Strength: 18 (Ordinary People: 10)

Physique: 15 points (Ordinary People: 10)

Intelligence: 15 (Ordinary People: 10)

Agility: 18 (Ordinary People: 10)

Appearance: 18 points (Ordinary 10)

Score: 30 points

Tool: None

Even though Xu Qi was mentally prepared, he was still pleasantly surprised by the system's results.

His current strength was almost twice that of an ordinary person, and his physical fitness had also improved.

This is only the most basic enhancement potion. If it is high-level, won't I become a Super Saiyan?

The further he advanced, the harder it would be to increase the statistics on his physical attributes. Xu Qi was now confident that he could qualify for the Olympics and might even bring back a gold medal.

Now the only thing he was worried about had also improved. Even without the MCV, he would still be able to survive in the apocalypse.

Even if he had never learned martial arts, it was more than enough to deal with a few hooligans in this state.

Even zombies wouldn't be able to withstand a hit from him.

"Awesome! The God-level selection system is indeed invincible."

With just two choices, Xu Qi had completely changed his appearance and form. If he continued to receive rewards from this system, wouldn't he become invincible in the future!

After getting excited for a while, Xu Qi calmed down.

He thought that it was a good thing that his personal strength had increased, but he must not get carried away yet.

Even as he became stronger bit by bit, those zombies would definitely keep evolving too.

Just the two-meter-tall zombie that he met in the evening was enough to sound the alarm. This was enough to show that zombies could evolve, and their speed was definitely not slow.

If he became self-satisfied with just a little improvement, something disastrous might happen sooner or later.

Thinking of this, he immediately sat back in the driver's seat and prepared to replenish the water according to his original plan.

Soon he drove the car to a place not far from the purified water distribution station. Then he quietly turned on the panoramic camera on the roof of the car, planning to observe his surroundings first.

The purified water distribution plant occupied less than 1,000 square meters. There was a lake water treatment room inside and a small distribution room outside.

At this moment, Xu Qi noticed that there were two water delivery workers sitting and chatting casually in the distribution room.

Perhaps it was because of the relatively remote location, there was no zombie virus outbreak here.

Seeing that someone was there, he immediately turned off the headlights of the MCV to avoid alerting anyone.