Understanding, Working Together to Encircle the Enemy

"If you're obedient, you will continue to live a good and comfortable life."

Wang Mei stood at the side and glanced at Tang Wanqiu coldly.

In any case, she had already said all sorts of good and bad things. She thought the girl probably wouldn't dare to do anything out of line.

Tang Wanqiu acted as if she didn't hear her and walked straight to the third floor.

Brother Xiong and the other hooligans followed her excitedly.

On the third floor, Tang Wanqiu glanced at the crowd a few meters behind her from the corner of her eye.

A bunch of scum. Sooner or later, you'll become fodder for zombies!

Before going upstairs, Tang Wanqiu deduced from the surrounding traces that not only had this group of people killed many people who came here to seek refuge, but they had also imprisoned many women. They were simply not humans.

Tang Wanqiu spat in her heart and went to a women's lingerie shop not far away.

The interior design of the shop was not bad. Before the apocalypse, it was a well-known brand.

Tang Wanqiu took out various undergarments from the counter and spent some time comparing them over her body. She pretended to be choosing them to buy some time for Xu Qi.

Brother Xiong and the hooligans behind him waited quietly outside the door.

In any case, this little beauty could not escape anymore, so there was no hurry.

Moreover, it was also a pleasure to watch a beauty choose those skimpy undergarments.

High-waist, rope and belt, floral lace, fishnet, and even sheer underwear.

The group of people outside felt their blood boiling, especially when they saw Tang Wanqiu sticking those undergarments on her body to compare sizes. They even held their breaths.

They were afraid that Brother Xiong would notice them and become displeased.

"Sigh… These undergarments are still too conservative. I'll go to the Balenciaga section to take a look."

After picking for a few minutes, Tang Wanqiu deliberately put on a disappointed expression, then walked towards a store on the other side with a natural expression.

"Hiss… If that's conservative, then don't wear anything."

The hooligans stood on the spot and stared at each other, as if their worldview had been refreshed by Tang Wanqiu's words.

"Tsk, what do you know? Have you ever heard of a woman's shyness? Uncultured!"

Brother Xiong snorted and explained pretentiously.

Qin Xiong's subordinates were stunned. This made him feel very superior.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and follow me. Don't blame me for being quick when the time comes and that I didn't let you have a good look!"

After saying that, Brother Xiong walked towards the Balenciaga without hesitation. When the surrounding lackeys heard this, they quickly followed him like they were on steroids.

On the other side, Xu Qi, who was hiding in the dark, heard Tang Wanqiu's voice with his excellent hearing.

He understood immediately that Tang Wanqiu's strategy was to lure those hooligans over. At the appropriate time, she would catch them off guard.

Xu Qi understood and decided to cooperate with Tang Wanqiu.

When it was time, he would directly take control of the hypermarket!

He quickly climbed out of the window and relied on the ventilation ducts and the air-conditioner external units mounted on the wall to sneak into the Balenciaga store.

He had seen the floor plan of the third floor of the hypermarket at the exit a few minutes ago and knew the location like the back of his hand.

Those hooligans were held back by Tang Wanqiu and did not notice his existence at all.

It had to be said that Tang Wanqiu was indeed the publicly acknowledged top student in the university back then.

To be able to remain so calm under such circumstances, her intelligence was comparable to someone like him who had taken two enhancement potions.

Stepping on an air conditioner unit that was mounted outside, Xu Qi easily slipped into the Balenciaga store.

He looked up towards the window. The sky had turned ink black.

The breeze carried the smell of blood. Most of the zombies downstairs had dispersed, but the remaining zombies had become more active.

Xu Qi immediately closed the window. A series of footsteps sounded outside.

They're here!

Sensing the approaching hooligans, Xu Qi looked around and hid in the only fitting room in the Balenciaga shop.

Ring ring…

The glass door of the shop was pushed open and Tang Wanqiu walked into the shop. Various undergarments and stockings hung neatly on the surrounding shelves.

The floor under his feet was as clean as before. The warm yellow light above his head shone down, making him feel as if there had never been a zombie virus outbreak.

There was no sign that someone had just entered.

However, the usually smart Tang Wanqiu still discovered where Xu Qi was hiding.

Not far away, the fitting room door opened a crack. This was the mark Xu Qi had left for her.

It was to tell Tang Wanqiu that he was ready and there was no need to panic.

Tang Wanqiu understood his intention right away and it warmed her heart.

However, nothing changed on the surface.

Now that the time was ripe, Tang Wanqiu walked straight to the shelves and took a few pieces of trendy lingerie. Then, under everyone's burning gazes, she opened the fitting room.

Bang! Bang!

When Tang Wanqiu saw Xu Qi hiding in a corner of the fitting room, her heart raced.

In this not-so-quiet environment, she could hear her heart beating.

His expression, which had been well disguised, changed slightly.

However, she restrained herself. Otherwise, she would appear too strange.

She turned to Brother Xiong, who was standing outside the door, and said softly, "I'm going in to change my clothes now. Without my permission, you're not allowed to come in. Otherwise, I'll be angry!"

Brother Xiong quickly nodded and said, "Don't worry, I'll guard outside. I'll go in when you let me, haha."

Tang Wanqiu's voice was clearly much colder, and the ambiguous expression on her face had disappeared.

However, by now, Brother Xiong was completely aroused. It was as if he had lost his mind. How could he notice these details?

After all, in a few minutes, this beautiful girl would be completely his. For the happiness of his lower body, agreeing to a small condition was nothing!

After getting Brother Xiong's permission, Tang Wanqiu immediately walked into the fitting room and locked the door.

"Brother Xiong, do you think this girl is running away? I think it's a little strange."

When Wang Mei, who was following behind, saw Tang Wanqiu enter, she immediately walked to Brother Xiong's side and voiced her suspicion.

As a woman in her thirties with life experience, she knew a lot about women.

Women were very particular about the atmosphere and occasion when doing such intimate things.

The girls who had been abducted were the evidence. All of them submitted to abuse. None of them was willing.

Any young girl who was mentally sound would not be sexually aroused when zombies were running rampant.

Furthermore, there were more than 10 men eyeing her covetously. It was impossible for an ordinary woman to behave like this.

To Wang Mei, this meant that the woman was clearly lying!

Although there were people guarding the first floor and there were no windows in the fitting room, Wang Mei still felt that something was amiss.

The other party was stalling for time.