Operation Decapitation!

At this moment, Qin Xiong was already basking in Tang Wanqiu's warmth and tenderness. Why would he care about Wang Mei's words?

She was just a pimp to him. What did she know?

In a few minutes, he would be able to enjoy the service of a top-notch beauty. He would press down on her body and satisfy his lust!!

Thinking of this, he felt that his thing below was about to explode.

"After I succeed, I'll give you the reward we agreed on. Now go away and don't disturb my mood!"

Brother Xiong pushed Wang Mei away and ignored her.

Seeing her boss's attitude, Wang Mei did not dare to say anything else. Anyway, that woman could not cause much trouble alone.

At this moment, in the fitting room, Tang Wanqiu and Xu Qi looked at each other. Neither of them spoke first.

After all, the group of people outside was standing at the door. If they spoke, they would be exposed.

Hence, Xu Qi could only smile and nod at Tang Wanqiu.

At the same time, he thought to himself that Balenciaga was really dishonest. The store was so big, but the fitting room was only a few square meters.

In addition, the mirror and chair took up some space. The two of them could only stand facing each other. There was not much space at all.

When they were on the university campus, Xu Qi had sat at the same table as Tang Wanqiu to study.

But now he could feel Tang Wanqiu's hot breath coming closer than ever.

Compared to Xu Qi's embarrassed look, Tang Wanqiu's expression was not much better.

Although she met the person she had been longing for for months, it was difficult not to be shy and nervous on such an occasion.

Furthermore, she was holding a pile of lingerie in her hands. This inexplicable sense of shame made her face turn as red as an apple.

But even so, she hadn't forgotten her purpose in attracting those hooligans.

After taking a deep breath, Tang Wanqiu began to unzip her dress.

In a few seconds, she had taken off the entire dress. Then she kicked it out of the door.

Although the hooligans outside had already been held back by her honey trap, they would definitely be suspicious if there was no movement in the fitting room.

The lower the vigilance of the people outside, the higher the success rate of Xu Qi's sneak attack.

At such a critical moment, she was not like other girls who could not differentiate between priorities.

Immediately after, Tang Wanqiu began to take off her calf socks and black short boots. This scene stunned Xu Qi.

What… what's going on!

Looking at the erotic scene in front of him, Xu Qi's brain was about to shut down.

Didn't we agree to hide in the fitting room together and trick the other party into coming in to kill him?

Why did she start taking off her clothes?

Tang Wanqiu was only wearing a bra and a pair of light blue panties, revealing her beautiful and well-proportioned figure.

She stood quietly in front of Xu Qi. Her hair was scattered around her shoulders, and there was a hint of shyness in her beautiful eyes. Her nose was small and exquisite, and her thin lips were slightly pursed, making her look cute.

Under her fair swan neck, a large area of snow-white skin was exposed, making Xu Qi almost unable to look away.

However, Xu Qi was not like those beasts outside. After realizing that his actions were inappropriate, he immediately closed his eyes and turned his head to try to forget what he had just seen.

Tang Wanqiu must have done this to make the group of people outside lower their guard. He could not take advantage of this moment!

In the fitting room, Tang Wanqiu couldn't help smiling when she saw Xu Qi close his eyes and turn his head.

The two of them had spent four happy years in university, but after graduating and stepping into the working world, their relationship had gradually become distant.

Although she had been looking for an opportunity to contact Xu Qi during this period of time, this fool seemed to be avoiding her and refused to meet her.

Previously, Tang Wanqiu thought that Xu Qi didn't like her anymore, but now it seemed that that wasn't the case.

Only if he really liked her would he care about her feelings.

It was precisely because of this that Xu Qi would show respect to her and not be like those scumbags outside who would do anything to get what they wanted.

At the thought of this, Tang Wanqiu took off her panties and bra. Then she quickly changed into her casual clothes.

At this moment, Brother Xiong, who was standing outside the fitting room, saw underwear falling onto the floor through a gap of more than ten centimeters. He felt his head heat up, and then a warm liquid sprayed out of his nose.

"F*ck! How f*cking exciting!"

This scene made Brother Xiong's suppressed desire explode. He seemed to have lost his mind, leaving only the most primitive desire in his mind!

The surrounding hooligans also blushed and could not control themselves. They even forgot to hide their desire for the woman in the fitting room in front of their boss.

"Brother Xiong, I've already changed into my underwear… Come in quickly."

Tang Wanqiu was wearing pajamas. She leaned against the wall of the fitting room and said in an extremely charming tone.

At this moment, Xu Qi, who was standing in a corner, instantly opened his eyes. Killing intent surged in his eyes. He immediately grabbed the Tang saber and quietly walked to the door of the fitting room.

Tang Wanqiu stood behind Xu Qi. Her heart was beating faster than when she was in danger.

"Hehe, I'm coming!"

Outside the shop, Brother Xiong rubbed his fat hands and strode towards the fitting room with an excited expression.

He couldn't hold it in anymore and urgently needed to vent his lust.

However, the lackeys behind him could not take it anymore. It was fine if their boss was the first to enjoy the beauty, but they had been standing outside for more than 10 minutes and did not even have the chance to take a look.

Immediately, a few young and hot-tempered hooligans followed him. They thought that it would be good to see that top-notch beauty wearing sexy lingerie. At least they wouldn't have come for nothing.

But their actions completely infuriated their boss.

"You guys get lost. I didn't even get to enjoy her yet, so how can it be your turn to enjoy her!"

Brother Xiong kicked a hooligan beside him and shouted angrily.

The hooligans around him came to their senses at last and fled.

"Brother Xiong, are you coming… I'm almost falling asleep from waiting."

At this moment, the charming voice of the little beauty sounded from the fitting room again. Brother Xiong trembled when he heard it and rushed up without thinking.

His heart was racing as he pulled open the door of the fitting room.

However, the scene in front of him made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave. He instantly woke up!

There was no top-notch beauty in front of him, no sexy lingerie.

There was only a young man with bone-chilling killing intent in his eyes. What greeted him was not a gentle nest but a Tang saber that emitted a cold light!!