The Enemy Escapes, Zombie Riot!

"Extreme Speed… Sword Draw!"

Xu Qi twisted his legs and exerted strength, moving his arms. He attacked at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye. There was a muffled sound.

Brother Xiong, who was standing at the door, was beheaded.

Blood splattered freely from the severed section of the corpse, staining the surrounding wall shelves and even the ceiling.

At this moment, Brother Xiong was deader than dead. His head was stained with blood and his facial features were distorted and hideous like a demon!

When the lackeys standing outside the door saw their boss's ferocious face, they were instantly frightened.

All of them were deathly pale, their eyes wide, their minds blank.

They could not figure out why Brother Xiong would suddenly die. Most importantly, they did not even know how their boss died.

With a flash of white light, Brother Xiong's head fell to the ground.

There was clearly only that woman in the fitting room. Could it be that it was haunted?!

In the past, they would never have believed that such a thing could happen.

But now that zombies had already appeared downstairs, there was nothing strange about ghosts and monsters.

Before they could react, Xu Qi had already walked out of the fitting room.

He held the bloodstained Tang saber in his hand, and his expression had a murderous aura that was almost corporeal.

He walked towards them slowly.

Xu Qi flicked his wrist and shook off the blood on the blade. Then he picked up the head on the steps.

"Your boss is already dead. He deserved to die for acting like a beast!

If any of you dare to disobey, you'll end up like this head!"

Xu Qi shouted firmly with a strong threat in his tone.

The hooligans at the door had never seen such a situation before. They were stunned.

They were just local hooligans. It was fine for them to bully the weak, but at this moment, Xu Qi had killed the strongest boss in their group in the blink of an eye.

Moreover, he did not even blink. A ruthless person of this level was not someone they could resist!!

"F*ck! You want to leave after killing my boss? I'll kill you. Brothers, attack!"

Just as the surrounding people were about to leave, the bald man standing among the hooligans shouted angrily. He raised a baseball bat and rushed towards Xu Qi.

The people around him immediately became hesitant. They were basically in a state of disunity. No one would be a match for the murderer in front of them.

But if someone led them to fight together, the man in front of them would definitely not be their match.

But just as they were in a daze, the bald man who had said that he wanted to fight to the death took advantage of this opportunity to rush towards the fire escape leading to the second floor.

"Fuck, you bastard!"

The others realized that they had been tricked. The young man with the saber forced his way towards them again.

Everyone was scared out of their wits. The courage they had painstakingly mustered instantly collapsed.

All of them rushed towards the second floor as if they were running for their lives.

Although the zombies downstairs were terrifying, as long as one was careful, there was always a chance of survival. However, that young man killed people like killing chickens without any expression.

He was even more terrifying than zombies.

Those people only wished that they had four legs. They ran so fast that even Xu Qi was surprised.

At this moment, Tang Wanqiu had changed into her original dress. Seeing that the people around her had already disappeared, she immediately thought of something bad.

Without any explanation, she grabbed Xu Qi's hand and rushed downstairs.

"There are countless zombies outside the hypermarket. Those guys are fleeing in a panic. They will definitely let those man-eating things in. Let's go and deal with them quickly. Otherwise, the entire hypermarket will be destroyed!"

Tang Wanqiu's voice was very anxious.

After experiencing the apocalypse, she sincerely appreciated the value of food.

If the first floor was really occupied by zombies, they had to give up on the hypermarket and rush out. Otherwise, they would starve to death!

Using the stairs, the two of them rushed to the first floor. In the hall on the first floor of the hypermarket, many hooligans were looting the food on the shelves and stuffing them into their backpacks.

They caught them red-handed.

Xu Qi rushed forward and quickly knocked down a hooligan who was packing instant noodles.

Tang Wanqiu immediately rushed over and handed Xu Qi a nylon rope she had taken from the staff desk. He tied up the hooligan's hands and feet with it.

Then Xu Qi looked up to search for his next target. However, by now, the hooligans on the first floor had already discovered Xu Qi's existence. All of them rushed towards the west door of the hypermarket as if they had seen a ghost.

Baldy did not hesitate to press the switch for the electric shutter door. After seeing the situation outside, a happy smile appeared on his face.

It was 10 o'clock at night, and most of the zombies that had been surrounding the hypermarket all day had already left.

Perhaps they were attracted by the other voices, or perhaps their foraging instincts had caused them to abandon their current goal.

At this moment, there were only a few zombies left around the west door. As long as they paid attention, they could escape.

Since Baldy was the first to run down the stairs, there was enough time for him to fill a bag with food supplies.

As long as there was no food crisis, he could still live a good life after escaping. Therefore, escaping was undoubtedly the best choice for him!

"Damn, this guy must be crazy!"

When Xu Qi saw that Baldy had already opened a heavy shutter door, he felt the veins on his forehead throbbing.

He quickly stopped him in a low voice. Those shutters were extremely effective as an anti-theft device. Not only were they heavy, but they were also made of alloy. It was precisely because of these shutters that they could block the hundreds of zombies outside.

After the shutters were opened, those glass doors would basically shatter upon impact. There would be any protection at all. At that time, everyone here might even die!

In addition, when the electric shutter was working, it would inevitably cause a lot of noise. This was no different from adding insult to injury to them!!

But Baldy did not seem to hear him. He was completely indifferent.

Seeing that the shutter door had been raised to a certain height, he turned around and gave Xu Qi a smug smile.

Then, without hesitation, he crawled out through the gap and disappeared from everyone's sight.


At this moment, even the usually gentle Xu Qi couldn't help but curse softly.

In the hall, when the remaining hooligans saw that Baldy had retreated safely, they all ran towards the west side door as if they had found a beacon.

Seeing this, Xu Qi chased after them without hesitation.

Fortunately, his physique had already been strengthened. At full strength, he could even break through the speed of 100 meters in 10 seconds. After a while, he caught up to the second hooligan.

Xu Qi kicked the young hooligan and sent him flying. He only stopped when he hit a pillar.

However, the hooligan did not give up. He struggled to get up from the ground. Xu Qi took out his Tang saber and said fiercely, "You're still running? If you run again, I'll chop off your legs!"