Hypermarket Defense Battle, Collecting Crystal Cores!

As for the third option, Xu Qi quickly filtered it out.

Firstly, he came here to replenish his food. Secondly, after discovering Tang Wanqiu, he chose to save her.

However, this third option was completely contrary to his previous plan. Even if it was just for Tang Wanqiu, he would never escape alone.

"Choose the second option!"

Xu Qi quickly made a decision in his heart, and the system reward was immediately issued.

The most obvious thing was the nail gun in his hand. At this moment, it had already become an anesthetic gun awarded by the system. The weight of the gun was much lighter, making it easier to carry.

Secondly, a large mass of memories that didn't belong to him appeared in his mind. However, after experiencing the infusion of memories three times, Xu Qi was already used to that negative feeling.

Or perhaps it was because his intelligence had improved that this process was over in a few seconds.

In that new memory, Xu Qi knew the key to shooting, the three-point-one line and the distance measurement method.

Right now, he was comparable to a professional sniper. His marksmanship had basically reached the level of 100% accuracy.

After making a turn, Xu Qi arrived at the fire escape on the second floor.

The women at the staircase were gathered together in a chaos. At the bottom of the corridor, a few hooligans hurriedly locked the door of the fire escape.

Through the fire door, everyone could clearly hear the rustling sound of zombies scratching the door. The strong smell of blood cast a shadow over everyone present.

There was only a metal door between them and the zombies. There was no safety at all.

"It's over. The first floor is all occupied by zombies. We're all blocked!"

One of the thugs almost broke down facing this situation.

The zombies outside kept smashing the door. Every knock was like a knock on his heart. The fear in his heart could no longer be restrained!

"Go away, you useless piece of trash!"

Xu Qi immediately walked up and pulled out the hooligan who was hiding in the corner. Then he said calmly, "If you all want to live, do as I say. As long as you cooperate well, I guarantee that you'll be fine!"

Seeing that Xu Qi had finally arrived, Tang Wanqiu immediately put down the nail gun in her hand.

Just now, she was still worried that she couldn't suppress those hooligans with just a nail gun. Now that Xu Qi had arrived, she calmed down a lot.

At this moment, when the others heard Xu Qi say that there was still a chance of survival, they all perked up. Brother Hua, who was desperately resisting the safety door, also said impatiently, "Brother Xu, if you have any ideas, tell us quickly. We will definitely listen to your instructions!"

The others nodded, one after another. In the face of a death threat, all their dignity became fleeting clouds.

"Very good. From now on, you guys will listen to my instructions. The zombies outside wouldn't be able to attack us anytime soon. You have enough time to prepare…"

Xu Qi quickly began the deployment plan. He first found a strong flashlight in the supply room and handed it to Tang Wanqiu. Then he found a few good-quality mops from the second floor and handed them to the hooligans.

He went through the entire process of killing zombies.

Tang Wanqiu was in charge of using a strong flashlight to disturb the zombies outside. Xu Qi was the core force of the entire team and was in charge of eliminating the zombies who wanted to barge in.

The hooligans stood around the fire door and were in charge of using mops to repel those who escaped or getting the zombies' heads into the passageway.

The women standing in the passageway were in charge of the final work of the process. They would take out the crystal cores from the zombies' heads.

Soon everyone's work was distributed. Seeing that everything was in order, Xu Qi grabbed the handle of the fire door and pushed the door open.

With the enhancement of 18 points of strength, Xu Qi pushed open the door and pushed a few zombies close to the fire door to the ground. Everyone looked out.

But this glance almost made their confidence collapse.

The brightly lit supermarket lobby on the first floor was already filled with terrifying zombies.

The zombies smelled the survivors and rushed over crazily.

The entire hypermarket lobby was covered in brown blood. Most of the shelves had been smashed to the ground. There was a few-meter-long escalator not far away. A few zombies were under it, still squirming.

It was like hell on earth!


Outside the fire door, a few zombies that had been pushed down immediately got up from the ground. They opened their bloody mouths and pounced at Xu Qi, who was closest to them.

Xu Qi took a deep breath and mobilized all the blood in his body. Then he drew his saber, stepped forward, and slashed down.

A cold light appeared. The three zombies in front of him were instantly beheaded and stopped moving.

"What are you waiting for!"

The zombie's head fell to the ground, but the hooligans on the left and right still did not react. Seeing this, Xu Qi scolded angrily!

The hooligans on the left and right immediately reacted. With a gentle push of the mop, a few heads immediately rolled to the stairs.

When the girls saw the ferocious heads rolling over, they screamed in fear and did not dare to attack.

After all, most of them were students who had yet to graduate from university and were in their early twenties. They had never seen such a terrifying and bloody scene before. All of them could not help but retreat.

Seeing this, Tang Wanqiu picked up the nail gun in her hand and pointed it at the retreating female workers. She said coldly, "The apocalypse has arrived. Don't you understand? No one can help you except yourself! Or are you willing to become a man's plaything!!"

Tang Wanqiu's words pierced the hearts of those girls.

They deliberately wanted to escape and forget those humiliating memories.

But the reality was right in front of them.

It was either fight or become a man's plaything.

But now, they would not be able to obtain food if they did not fight. They were not even qualified to become playthings!

At this moment, one of the female workers walked out.

Biting her lip, she gripped the scissors tightly in her hand and walked towards the blood-stained heads.

Then, without hesitation, she used the scissors to pry open the zombie's head and took out the crystal core hidden in its brain.

Seeing this, Tang Wanqiu's expression flashed with approval. She shouted, "Very good, you've collected a crystal core. Remember it. What's your name? After these zombies are cleaned up, you can ask me for a portion of bread!"

The girl's face was pale. It was obvious that she was suffering from shock.

"My… My name is Liu Yuxin!"

When Liu Yuxin found out that she had been rewarded with bread, the fear in her heart immediately dissipated. She even raised her voice.

As for the other women who kept retreating, after seeing that they could exchange the shiny things they collected for food, they gritted their teeth and quickly dissected the other two zombie heads.

Tang Wanqiu glanced at the woman who had collected the zombies and made a mental note.