Fierce Battle with a Mutated Zombie

On the other side, when Xu Qi saw that the situation had been resolved, he couldn't help but admire Tang Wanqiu.

It only took a few seconds to solve the problem of the female workers.

In the hypermarket hall, many zombies smelled the scent of survivors. They rushed up fearlessly, wanting to tear apart all the creatures in front of them.

Seeing this, Tang Wanqiu immediately turned on the flashlight and used the strong light to distract the zombies.

Xu Qi took a deep breath. He knew that there would definitely be a fierce battle next. He immediately adjusted his body to its best state!


The zombies that rushed up first were cut into pieces by Xu Qi before their claws could touch him. However, the zombies behind continued to rush up and used their bodies as shields for their own kind.

In the beginning, Xu Qi and the others didn't cooperate well, but after killing seven or eight zombies in a row, they quickly familiarized themselves with the entire process.

It was precisely because the gate outside had not been completely damaged that only a few zombies could enter the hypermarket every time. This also gave the others a chance to breathe.

Before long, the female workers standing in the corridor had already collected more than 10 crystal cores. Xu Qi blocked the fire door with pieces of corpses, so that the zombies could only squeeze in two or three at a time.

However, this smooth situation did not last long before it was broken by a violent collision!

Xu Qi, who was standing at the door, was the first to see that the shattered door on the west side of the hypermarket had been blown away by a huge force.

Accompanied by a deafening sound, the airwaves scattered the surrounding debris everywhere. There were even a few unlucky zombies that were completely flattened by the thick steel gate!

At this moment, everyone's expressions froze. This voice was clearly the same as the previous voice!

What kind of monster had appeared that could turn a few tons of gate into scrap metal with two punches!


When the dust dissipated, everyone could only see a huge black shadow standing at the west entrance in the dark moonlight. The black shadow had two lantern-sized eyes that reflected a scarlet light on its head. At this moment, it was staring at them!

Tang Wanqiu subconsciously shone her flashlight over to see what it was.

However, what they saw made the hooligans at the door and the female workers behind tremble in fear!

With the torchlight, they finally got a good look at the monster.

It was a naked mutated zombie more than two meters tall!

The two eyes on the zombie's head were almost bulging out, and its pupils were blood-red. There was no nose on its face, and the skin on both sides of its face had been torn open, revealing dozens of sharp teeth!

In addition, the mutated zombie's hands were several times stronger than ordinary zombies'. Its arms were more than a meter wide, and its right hand had mutated into black claws that were 70 to 80 centimeters long.

There were even many red sacs on the surface of the monster's skin. Some of its internal organs were exposed. It was as if its skin had been peeled off, leaving only highly rotten red muscle tissue!

It looked like an evil spirit that had crawled out of hell!


The mutated zombie immediately discovered the dozen living creatures standing in the fire escape. It immediately roared angrily and pounced over on all fours.

In the blink of an eye, it ran more than ten meters!

In front of the mutated zombie, the ordinary zombies were like weak children. They were all sent flying.

Xu Qi immediately reacted and kicked down the corpses piled at the door. Then she slammed the door shut.


A loud sound was heard. The entire fire door was slightly deformed by the terrifying impact!

The mutated zombie that was blocked outside seemed to have gone crazy. It slammed the door with all its might, and even the door frame loosened a little.

Bang! Bang!

The mutated zombie's angry attack left two palm marks on the steel fire door.

When the hooligans and female workers saw this situation, they instantly panicked.

In the past, those zombies couldn't even open the fire door, but now, they had become like this.

It was obvious that the zombie outside had already mutated and become quite powerful. According to this situation, this fire door would be completely smashed in a few minutes!

"Everyone, don't panic. It's not time to give up yet!"

Xu Qi took a deep breath and took out the anesthetic gun from his waist.

Tang Wanqiu's beautiful eyes darted around as she looked at the constantly shaking fire door in front of her. She seemed to understand the attack pattern of the mutated zombie outside.

"I'll open the door. Find a chance to shoot!!"

After understanding the pattern, Tang Wanqiu immediately walked down the stairs and took Xu Qi's place.

Seeing that Tang Wanqiu trusted him so much, Xu Qi was a little touched. Then he immediately raised the anesthetic gun and gently placed his index finger on the trigger.

He only had 10 of these powerful anesthetic bullets that could affect zombies. He had to make the best use of them.

In front of the fire door, Tang Wanqiu grabbed the door handle and tapped the ground with her toes. According to the pattern, she quickly calculated the timing of the next zombie attack.


Tang Wanqiu reminded him in a low voice and instantly opened the fire door.

Outside the door was the two-meter-tall mutated zombie. At this moment, the zombie raised its mutated arm and slammed it forward.

Tang Wanqiu had already estimated where the mutated zombie's strike would land. She dodged to the door and the mutated zombie missed its target!

The mutated zombie's lunged forward due to inertia.

Xu Qi saw the opportunity and decisively pulled the trigger.

An anesthetic that was seven to eight centimeters long shot out from the muzzle and instantly entered the mutated zombie's right eye. The anesthetic instantly took effect. The mutated zombie's entire body stiffened and it fell to the ground with a bang. It stopped moving.

In addition, when the mutated zombie smashed the door earlier, it sent all the ordinary zombies around flying. There was a large empty space outside the door. It was the best opportunity to deal with the situation.

At this moment, when a female worker hiding in the corridor saw that Xu Qi had finished the battle with one shot, she immediately picked up her net and scissors, preparing to cut open the mutant zombie's head to retrieve the crystal core.

Seeing this, Xu Qi felt that something was wrong. This mutated zombie was more than three times stronger than ordinary zombies, and its body was extremely huge.

Logically speaking, it should be able to withstand an anesthetic.

Thinking of this, he suddenly had a bad feeling and immediately planned to stop the female worker.

However, just as he opened his mouth and before he could speak, a sudden change occurred!

The mutated zombie that was lying on the ground suddenly got up!

Before the female worker could react, she was smashed into pieces by the furious mutated zombie with its sharp claws!