Zombie's Second Mutation, Transforming into a Scarlet Overlord!

Immediately, the entire fire escape was sprayed with blood. The female worker's corpse hit the wall, and blood splattered everywhere like fireworks, leaving only a bloody mess!

At this moment, the crystal cores that the female workers had painstakingly collected fell to the ground and became ownerless!

At this moment, the mutated zombie directly gave up on attacking the few survivors. Instead, it picked up the net containing the crystal cores on the ground, opened its bloody mouth, and chewed them up like candy!

Creak… Creak!

The creepy chewing sound echoed throughout the corridor. The female workers and hooligans around them were stunned.

They did not know that for zombies, a crystal core filled with a virus was equivalent to a perfect supplement. Their flesh and blood were completely incomparable!

After the mutated zombie swallowed more than 10 crystal cores, its body expanded again.

Its muscles were no longer highly rotten. Instead, they had turned dark gray. The intertwined roots wrapped most of its limbs, and its defense had increased by more than one level.

The long and narrow claws on its right hand had already fused together and turned into a black blade that was more than a meter long!

The mutated zombie had already grown to 2.5 meters tall and weighed nearly half a ton! Not only was its entire body covered in dark gray muscles, but even its leg bones had changed. Its feet had become wider, and it was no longer in human form!


The mutated zombie, who had been blinded in one eye, was completely separated from the transformation. It stuck out a tongue from its mouth and licked its teeth, looking greedily at the prey in front of it with its remaining eye.

"Look out!"

Tang Wanqiu, who was hiding behind the door, saw that the monster was about to attack Xu Qi. She immediately jumped out from behind and raised her nail gun to shoot the mutated zombie twice in the head.

"Pfft… pfft."

With two muffled sounds, an eight-centimeter-long nail shot into the mutated zombie's head.

However, it was blocked by the muscles surrounding his skull. It was only nailed into a depth of about two centimeters. It was useless!


The mutated zombie roared in pain. It gave up on attacking Xu Qi and turned to pounce on Tang Wanqiu.

"Get back!"

At the critical moment, Xu Qi pulled out his saber and blocked the mutated zombie's black bone blade. However, he was shocked by the huge force and his hand turned numb. He took a few steps back.

Seeing that she could not help much, Tang Wanqiu could only give up on her plan and retreat.

When the mutated zombie saw its prey stop it time and time again, it could no longer hold back the anger in its heart and attacked without caring about the consequences.

However, he could not use it in the long and narrow corridor at all. Every time he swung his sharp blade, it would leave hideous wounds on the wall. His attack was blocked.

Xu Qi took this opportunity to attack with all her might.

However, the other party's muscles had excellent defense. Even the Tang Saber Water Dragon Roar could only cause considerable damage after Xu Qi used his full strength.

"Sword Draw!"

Xu Qi lowered his body and dodged the attack of the mutated zombie. He turned around and used the Sword Draw to cut open the stomach of the mutated zombie in front of him.

Purple-black blood sprayed everywhere, and intestines flowed to the ground.

The mutated zombie was in extreme pain, and the muscles all over its body contracted and weakened.

After being modified by the virus, although it had stronger abilities, it also gained pain and other weaknesses other than its brain.

Xu Qi took two steps back. His hands were trembling slightly. After more than a minute of battle, his stamina had been greatly exhausted.

At this moment, Tang Wanqiu and the others had already retreated to the second floor. A battle of this level was no longer something they could participate in.

Facing such a terrifying thing, they could only pray that Xu Qi could defeat that guy.

Tang Wanqiu held the nail gun and observed the battle while being wary of the hooligans. She was anxious, but there was nothing she could do.

She didn't have Xu Qi's marksmanship. Currently, the power of the nail gun couldn't cause any damage other than directly piercing the zombie's eyes.

Moreover, the mutated zombie had been fighting with Xu Qi, so she had no chance to attack at all.

"Pfft… Ugh."

In the corridor, the mutated zombie took two steps back and looked at Xu Qi with some fear.

Its brain had been further modified by the virus. In addition to its foraging instinct, it also had a portion of simple thinking ability.

In the mutated zombie's opinion, the prey in front of it was a little difficult to swallow.

That was why it chose to stop fighting. It took a few steps back to the pile of female workers' corpses by the wall.

When Xu Qi saw that the zombie in front of him had actually evolved a trace of intelligence, he was shocked.

At this moment, the virus had only been wreaking havoc in Qingzhou City for a day, but he had discovered two types of mutated zombies.

Moreover, the mutated zombie in front of him had been modified twice by chance. He had to destroy it. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable!

After all, under normal circumstances, zombies would not mutate so quickly. The reason why the zombie in front of him had mutated twice was because it had swallowed more than ten crystal cores that they had collected.

It has only mutated twice, but it has already reached this level. I'm afraid that as the apocalypse goes on, the zombies will become even more terrifying!

Xu Qi was silent. Previously, he thought that his strength was enough to survive in the apocalypse, but now it seemed that he was thinking too much.

If this continued, the space for humans to move around would gradually shrink. It would become increasingly difficult for ordinary people to survive!

However, Xu Qi quickly realized that this was not the time to be emotional.

The most important thing now was to eliminate the mutated zombie in front of him. He narrowed his eyes and began to observe the zombie seriously.

If he wanted to find the other party's other weaknesses other than its brain, he had to try his best to kill him in one strike without exhausting too much stamina!

After observing for a few seconds, Xu Qi suddenly realized that the two corpses around the mutated zombie were rapidly collapsing, and the surrounding blood was also shrinking.

It was as if they had been sucked away by a mutated zombie. The scene was extremely strange!

"We can't wait any longer!"

Seeing this, Xu Qi felt a strong sense of uneasiness.

Then, he held the Tang saber and rushed towards the mutated zombie without hesitation.


Seeing that its prey was actually counter attacking it, the mutated zombie immediately roared in exasperation. Then, it stretched out the bone blade in its right arm and slashed at Xu Qi!

Xu Qi was puzzled by the sudden movement of the zombie in front of him.

However, out of caution, he still slowed down. At this moment, something unexpected happened.

The huge fist of the mutated zombie's left arm actually split open in the middle, revealing the bone tube hidden in the center.