Killing the Scarlet Overlord, Xu Qi Is Injured!

In the next second, a stream of blood gushed out of the tube and turned into a blood-red chain in midair, flying towards Xu Qi's chest!!

Xu Qi was caught off guard by the mutated zombie's sudden chain attack. He didn't expect that the zombie, which relied on its teeth and claws to tear at flesh, could actually use such an unpredictable long-range attack.

Fortunately, he had already slowed down and raised his vigilance to the highest level. Only then did he have enough time to react. Otherwise, he would have become a corpse!

The blood-colored chain came at him, and he immediately raised his Tang saber to block it.

However, the mutated zombie was unwilling to let its prey go just like that. Using its blood again, it conjured three chains to attack Xu Qi's head, wrist, and thigh.

The speed of the three chains was extremely fast. Xu Qi did not dare to be careless. He immediately gritted his teeth and turned the Tang saber in his hand 90 degrees, barely blocking two of the chains.

Then, with the help of the huge recoil, he avoided the chain attack aimed at his thigh.

Such a high-intensity battle made his breathing quicken. His wrist hurt and he could barely hold the Tang saber.

The mutated zombie sized up the prey in front of it with its single eye, and sticky saliva dripped from the corner of its mouth.

Its abdomen was injured, and coupled with the attacks, it had consumed a lot of energy. It had to devour flesh and blood as soon as possible to maintain the activity of the virus in its body!

If the virus in its body was inactive for a long time, it would degenerate to its previous state!

The corpses around him had already been drained of blood by the bone tube in his left arm. They were no longer useful!

Only by killing the prey in front of it could it enjoy the flesh and blood of the dozen or so survivors hiding on the second floor!


The mutated zombie condensed its blood again and transformed it into an extremely fast blood-colored chain. It was aiming at Xu Qi's head!

Xu Qi took a deep breath and held the hilt of the saber with both hands. He used the extremely powerful Sword Draw again.

The chain instantly broke. Xu Qi did not stop at all and rushed towards the mutated zombie.

It was impossible to cause any damage to the mutated zombie by blindly defending. He could only kill it by completely destroying its brain or finding another weakness!

In the blink of an eye, five blood-colored chains rushed over again.

They almost completely sealed off the space around him.

Xu Qi knew that he couldn't dodge and immediately closed his eyes!

At the same time, he said in a low voice, "Noah, turn on the wireless scan!"

"Beep… Infinite scanning has been activated. Master, because this scan is conducted outside the MCV, the scanning range will be narrowed to about 10 meters around you. The duration will also be reduced to 10 minutes."

"Beep… Master, Noah's smart butler reminded you that because you don't have any accessable display equipment, the information of this scan will be returned to you in the form of sound."

Noah's familiar voice immediately sounded in the wireless earpiece. After two notifications, the scan was immediately activated.

At this moment, Xu Qi could clearly sense the sound of the chains around him and the contracting muscles of the mutated zombie not far away.

With his omniscient knowledge of the battlefield, Xu Qi could easily determine the speed and trajectory of the blood-colored chains and the mutated zombie's next move.

Even the structure of the mutated zombie's body was clearly displayed in his mind!!

"10 minutes is enough time!"

Xu Qi closed his eyes, his mind racing to process Noah's endless voice messages.

In the next second, he bent slightly and easily dodged the two chains that were coming at him with a slide.

"Sou sou!"

When the mutated zombie saw that its prey had dodged its attack, it immediately condensed a new chain in exasperation.

However, the current Xu Qi was already different from before. He closed his eyes and held the saber with both hands as if he was dancing on the tip of a blade. He quickly weaved his way through the rapid chain attacks.

However, even if he could foresee the attack of the chains, there would still be times when he could not avoid it.

The mutated zombie seemed to have gone crazy. It crazily condensed the chains, forcing Xu Qi, who was in the scanning state, to block it with his saber.

The man and the zombie fought for a few minutes, but Xu Qi still did not make any progress. Even though he found out from the scan that there were organs that could condense chains hidden in the stomach of the mutated zombie, he could not slash it because he could not get close to it for the last five minutes!

"Beep… Master, Noah reminds you that the scanning state will end in four minutes."

Hearing the notification from the earpiece, Xu Qi's heart gradually sank. His stamina was already exhausted. If this continued, he would die under the claws of the mutated zombie in two minutes at most!!

If there's no chance, then I'll create one!

Xu Qi's entire body trembled as he roared angrily in his heart.

Then he bit the index finger of his right hand with his teeth and dripped blood on the knife.

"Trash, don't you want to kill me? I'm standing here now. If you have the ability, come and kill me!!"

With that, Xu Qi shook his wrist slightly and threw the blood on the tip of the saber at the face of the mutated zombie not far away.

Xu Qi's actions completely angered the mutated zombie. Although it had been modified by the virus, the mutated zombie could still think.

But now, the blood on the other party's body was directly thrown at it. That desire for flesh and blood instantly turned it into a bloodthirsty monster that only had its instincts left!


A violent roar echoed in the night sky, sounding the battle horn.

Looking at the zombie pouncing at him like a crazy bull, Xu Qi held his saber with both hands and faced it fearlessly.

In the next moment, five chains shot out from the bone tube in the mutated zombie's left hand. Xu Qitang slashed out with his saber, cutting off four of the chains.

However, there was a chain that broke through Xu Qitang's blockade and pierced through his left shoulder blade. Blood instantly gushed out.


The intense pain made Xu Qi unable to exert any strength in his left hand. He could only use his right hand to hold the saber. However, the open wound on his left shoulder was bleeding profusely, making his face turn pale.

However, everything happened too quickly. The others hiding on the second floor, including Tang Wanqiu, did not notice anything amiss.

However, the mutated zombie, who was extremely sensitive to blood, immediately smelled the smell of blood from its prey. It immediately gave up on the chain attack and swung the bone blade in its right hand to cut Xu Qi prey into pieces!!

Seeing the mutated zombie swing its sharp blade at him, a triumphant smile appeared on Xu Qi's pale face.

His body, which had slowed down due to the loss of blood, became agile again.

Xu Qi immediately took a step forward and leaned forward, barely dodging the fatal blade of the mutated zombie. Then he used the last bit of strength in his body to quickly swing his saber!

A cold light flashed. Under Tang Wanqiu's flashlight, the mutated zombie's huge head with its gray muscles rolled down silently and stopped moving!