Going to college

"Honey are you sure,you gonna be ok there alone"Ayla's mom asked."Yes mom, I guess I will, but I'm gonna miss you guys so much",Ayla said."Don't worry,we will get in touch through calls", Ayla's mom said."Sure mom, Ayla fought back her tears. She needed to be strong for her parents because she knew it wasn't easy for them to let her move to a different town alone since she was their only child. Ayla hugged her mom. "Don't worry mom, I will be fine, but promise not to argue with dad over dinner",Ayla said. Her mom laughed." OK dear I promise".

"Munchkin we need to go else you will be late", Ayla's dad called out."Coming dad",Ayla shouted.She hugged her mom for the last time and went to sit in her dad's car.Her mind was made up.She would learn very hard to make her parents proud of her."Are you ready for our ride", her dad asked.Ayla smiled and nodded."Let's get you to college",her dad said.

On the way to San Francisco,Ayla came across a lot of buildings and nice scenery.It was a four hour drive from home.They stopped by a restaurant to eat and continued with their journey.As the building of the college came to view,Ayla felt very excited.They reached the college's entrance and was directed to the girl's hostel facility.They went through the proceedings and Ayla's dad started to unpack her stuffs from the car.As Ayla's dad tried to carry her luggage, the receptionist stopped him and said"Mister, I'm sorry but men are not allowed to enter and this is strictly for females". Ayla's dad sighed and lifted his hands up in surrender.He hugged Ayla."Promise to be a good girl my little princess, no fights and study hard darling", Ayla's dad said.

"I promise dad, I will".Ayla smiled."Oh and one more thing, no guys until you are 18 and don't forget guys....."Ayla cut her dad's words short by saying "guys always want to get in between your legs".Her dad laughed."It seems you haven't forgotten anything.Well rest assured, I guess you are good to go". Ayla's dad said and started heading back towards his car.Ayla called after him, making him stop in his tracks."Dad, I'm gonna miss you",she said in a sad tone.Her father smiled and said"I will miss you too hunny, bye".Ayla waved back.

After she lost view of her dad's car, she couldn't control the falling of her tears.She is now several miles apart from her family.She wiped her tears and started heading towards her new allocated room.Ayla opened the door and there was only two beds indicating it's two in a room.Her roommate wasn't in yet.She started unpacking her stuffs from the boxes.She hanged her clothings in the wardrobe and arranged her shoes neatly under the bed she chose.She chose the bed close to the window so she could catch a glimpse of the city's night scenery.She pasted stickers all over the wall close to her bed.After laying her bed, she took a quick shower and tied her hair in a messy bun.She wore her favorite bunny pajamas.She laid on the bed and picked her phone to text Viana.

Ayla:"Hello Viana, how is it going over there".As soon as she sent the message, she received a quick reply.

Viana: This place is amazing. What about you?

Ayla: It's not that bad I guess.

Viana: I hate the fact that we are separated from each other, but I promise to text you OK.

Ayla: Me too :)

Viana: The guys here are so hot.

Ayla: Good for you, I've not got the chance to see any guy around though.

Viana: Is your roommate in yet?

Ayla: She hasn't come yet.

Viana:Then you must be feeling bored.

Ayla: Exactly, but I miss you already.

Viana: Same here Ayla, but I gotta go.Tonight is the fresher's welcoming party and I don't want to miss it.I need to look stunning.Who knows, I might even get a boyfriend tonight.

Ayla: OK bye, take care.

Ayla giggled about her friend's attitude."Viana doesn't seem to amaze me", she thought.She placed her phone on the bed and walked to the balcony.She looked at the stars in the sky and smiled.She felt bored standing there for a while so she went back inside the room.She laid down on her bed and covered herself with the blanket because the weather here was really cold.She smiled and picked her iPod and started reading one of her favorite novels'WEREWOLF ROMANCE'.Ayla was fascinated whenever there was a story about werewolves.She always wished she was mated to one but that can't be true since it's just fantasies created by authors to appease their readers.