New friend

While Ayla was busily reading her novel, she heard a knock on the door.She placed the iPod on the bed and walked to open the door.There stood a short girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. From the way the girl was quiet,Ayla knew she was a bit nervous.Ayla smiled to ease the tension between them.The girl smiled back."Hi, I'm Ayla and I guess I'm your roommate".Ayla stretched hands.The girl smiled and stretched her hands to shake Ayla's hands."Well I'm....Nina and it's nice to meet you", the girl said."Come in Nina", Ayla paved way for her to enter."Wow", Nina said while covering her mouth."We have things in common, that's the same stickers I brought along",Ayla laughed.

"Do you mind if I help you unpack your stuff",Ayla said, unsure.Nina smiled and said"I would love that". While unpacking,they engaged in a lot of talking."I'm from this town and I've been hearing from the locals that the majority of the people living here are werewolves", Nina said. Ayla covered her mouth while her breath hitched in her throat."No way,that can't be true",Ayla said.Nina smiled and said"It's true, I guess, because we live close to the woods and I normally hear wolves howling all the time".Ayla giggled and asked"So all the stories are real and werewolves exist, that's pretty cool".Nina laughed and said"I was expecting you to be scared of wolves but it looks like you are also fascinated by werewolves stories like me".

"Yeah I am,I wish I was a mate to one and he will be mine forever",Ayla whispered."Yeah,me too, anyway what's your major Ayla".Nina asked all of a sudden."Psychology",Ayla replied. Nina jumped for joy and hugged Ayla."What's that about",Ayla asked."That's my major too",Nina smiled."Then that's going to make things easier,we can learn together".They both laughed.Nina took a quick shower and came to meet Ayla still reading her novels.She cleared her throat to get Ayla's attention.Ayla looked at her and smiled.

 "Well let's sleep early because tomorrow is a brand new day for us",Ayla said.Nina smiled and said" Let's dream about werewolves together". Ayla laughed and switched off the lights."Well, I've gotten a new best friend,I guess college isn't bad after all and definitely not boring with Nina around",Ayla thought.

  Meanwhile, Damien was pacing up and down in his office.It hadn't been easy taking the role of his late father,Alpha Mike.He had to handle pack matters and deal with the new issue at hand, the rogues.He mind linked Nick his beta and Jake his gamma to come to his office.They soon came to the office and saw Damien pacing up and down."Buddy what's wrong". Nick asked."I can't seem to understand what the rogues want. Aren't they satisfied with the death of my parents"? Damien said with sarcasm, fighting his wolf Eli, who wanted to come out."Calm down Eli, you need to stay at bay".Damien's mind linked to his wolf."Well, yes I get you".Eli growled back.Damien closed his eyes to focus. Jake tapped him on the shoulder and asked"What are we going to do now?"."I guess we need to wait first until we get the upper hand in this case". Nick suggested."Nick is right",Damien said.Nick and Jake were Damien's childhood friends and the children of the then Beta and Gamma of the pack who also lost their lives during the rogues attack.Damien had to take the role of an alpha when he was just 16 years old. 

He is now 18 years old, and, has still not found his mate yet.He felt he was mateless, but his wolf, Eli, was pissed when Alpha Jay, the alpha of the Silver Moon Pack, suggested to him to marry his daughter, Keisha, to create a strong bond between the two packs.Damien refused without a second thought but Alpha Jay kept insisting on, that.Damien doesn't love Keisha and doesn't feel any pull of attraction towards her.His wolf,Eli wanted his fated mate chosen by the moon goddess not some arranged marriage between two packs.

He had vowed to save his first time for his mate, since his parents were a good example of a lovely fated couple.He loved the way they looked at each other with love.He was going to love, cherish and protect his mate with everything he'd got like how his parents used to be. Keisha was just a pain in the ass for him and he made a deal with Alpha Jay that when he reached 19 and hadn't found his mate yet,then he could consider marrying Keisha.Aside from the pack issues at hand and he being an Alpha,he was a normal college student pursuing business management. He had a bad boy vibe with a broad chest and black hair reaching just right at his shoulders with a handsome face.

The girls in college kept flirting with him but he always felt disgusted with such an attitude.Despite his muscular body, he had tattoos on his right upper hand indicating his status as an alpha.He had a cold attitude towards girls.Jake found his mate in the pack during his 18th birthday.He was the only mated guy among them since Nick was mateless as him.Nick was a playboy who didn't really care about anything though. Damien thought the only way to prevent the girls from coming around him was to find his mate as soon as possible to stop this crap.

"Damien, I guess that's the only information at hand,we need to go.Don't forget we have class tomorrow and Dr Mary will definitely collect the assignment."Nick said."Gosh I hate that one already, she is so strict", Jake said."That's just because you are lazy student and you never got into her good books", Damien teased."I heard the new college girls are as beautiful as f**k",Nick said.Jake smirked."You just can't wait for your mate,can you"Damien said in sarcasm."It's not my problem that the moon goddess has deprived me of a mate",Nick scoffed."Damien and Jake burst out into laughter."Well I need to enjoy myself while I still can, I haven't found her yet and that doesn't stop me".Nick said."See you guys in class tomorrow". Damien said,"Sure buddy".Nick and Jake both tapped on Damien's shoulder and left the office.