1- The Birth Of Them

"Marv! This is hurts so much!" Marie had been sighing and screaming in pain. Because Marie is currently in the process of giving birth, normally. And Marvell as her husband has always been faithful to be in her side, isn't it beautiful?

Hahaha ... cliche.

But, actually it was not only Marie who gave birth I'm that time. You know, in one maternity ward, there was another woman, who was also struggling to give birth to her child alone, without being accompanied by anyone. The woman was right on the delivery bed to Marie's right.

"Come on ... you could have been Marie …" Marv continues to help his wife to be strong mentally, now he knows how difficult it is to give birth. It's so painfull.

Until ....

Marie's baby and the other woman's baby were born at the same time, their crying sounds quietly.

It's so quiet. The first baby born by Marie looked different, with his skin color that seemed clean and radiant.

"Her first baby has been born! No, he's too weak, take this baby to the incubator and give first Aid," said the doctor in a panic mode.

Because the first baby Marie gave birth, had a weak heartbeat sound and his breathing was broken.

"Marv ... where my first baby? The baby is fine right?!" Marie asked to her husband while unfinished giving birth pain.

Yes ... Marie will give birth to one more child, she is pregnant with a pair of twins. Isn't it is everyone's dream seems to be to have twins?

"Yes ... he'll always be okay, baby... calm down, catch your breath. One more baby wait to exit, hmm .... " Marv tried to calm down and help Marie psychically. He wants to see his wife and children in a good condition and safe.

Marie kept trying her hardest. She must be strong, she can!

And now, her last baby had been born, he was normal, his crying sounded loud, different from the first baby earlier.

"The baby is healthy and normal ... and handsome too!" said the doctor who was fascinated by the charming of the second baby.

"Marv ...." Marie looked at her husband with wistful eyes. Marv looked at his wife too, and then they're start to crying happily. Marv was so proud of Marie. His wife is the greatest women ever!

"Honey ... Marie ... you're so great!" said Marv while kissing Marie's forehead with love.

In that time, Marie and Marv may be happy with the birth of their twins, unaware that there is another woman who is also happy but sad at the same time. The woman who also left the hospital that day in winter, with the red baby, she just gave birth to, due to limited costs.



"Sir, the condition of the first baby is classified as a very weak. We need to do intensive care," said the doctor.

"Do whatever ... as long as he's healthy, and safe, Doc ..." Marv said behind the glass sterile room where his first tiny baby was lay in.

"Especially with the condition that is classified as very rare, you got an angel, Sir. He's so pure ...," said the doctor as if giving a glimmer of hope on Marv.

Earlier, actually the first baby had difficulty breathing, even breathing stopped for three minutes, luckily. God did not immediately take the life of the little baby from Marv and Marie.

"Marv, where's my first baby?" Marie asked as Marv walked into her room.

At the moment Marie is breastfeeding their second baby. Their second baby was very calm, and handsome.

"He's still in the incubator, baby," Marv said, and then he sat in the chair beside Marie's bed.

Marv gently caressed Marie's beautiful face, he really felt very happy and proud of his wife. He loved Marie so much.

"Marv, my first baby. I want to see him. Marv, please. What's wrong with him? His brother is good and healthy. How did he become in incubator?" Marie asked and began to panic, she struggled between life and death to give birth to her two babies, she was afraid that something bad would come to her first baby.

"He's different Marie," Marv said softly, stroking Marie's hair.

Marie turned her head, her eyes as if hinting at a question, "what happened? Tell me Marv!" In that time Marie looking deeply into the both eyes of Marv. Waiting for the things that she wanted hear.

Yes ... Marie had not yet seen the physical condition of her first baby.

Not yet.

"What do you mean? Marv, my baby must be okay, right?!" Marie asked impatiently.

"He's an albino. And the physique of his is very weak at the moment," Marv finally said that.

Marie was silent, her eyes glassy. She was sad but also felt blessed by God for getting an Albino baby.

"I want to see him, Marv. Let's hurry up! My little baby must really need me and this little brother oh him. Come on Marv," Marie can't wait any longer to see how beautiful her first baby is.

Soon, after Marie holding her second baby in a wheelchair, they visited the sterile room where their first baby was having a several treatments that would strengthen and stabilize the condition of the baby's body.

Although from behind the glass, but Marie felt so happy, she did not regret much less depressed because her first baby was born different and even said to be weak.

Marie actually saw her first baby as a gift and the most beautiful gift that God gave to her in this small family.

A difference ... it is a beautiful thing? One example is Marie's first baby who seems so fragile and pure. The baby is very much different from the second baby who looks handsome, healthy and strong. God is indeed very fair, in every difference must be tucked beauty in it.

"Lord! Marv ... he's an Angel," Marie cried. Marie felt that the little baby was a light from God for her family.

From behind the glass she cried, her hands hoping to touch her child's white cheeks at this beautiful moment. But, whatever the power, the desire that he can not do for now, his first baby must be fully recovered and strong first.

"Yes. You're right, baby, he's our little angel," Marv said as he stroked Marie's hair.

The second baby cried. The baby also wants to see how beutifull his twin is.

"Oh my god, are you want to see your brother too? That's why you're crying?" Marie kissed the little cheek of her second baby .

"This is Mom and Dad ... and that's right there, he's your sweet little brother." Marie confronted her second baby to the window to see how her twin brother looked.

The second baby seemed to understand, so he cried for the respond.

"Thank God. You have provided a complement to our little family. A hero and an angel," said Marie gratefully.




Years changed.

It is now five years after the birth of the Twins. They live happily. Full of love, it feels like a picture of a very perfect family!

"Miky, let's open your mouth. Later if you keep your mouth shut, then the food will cry," persuaded Marie. She was feeding Miky to eat, it's just that her eldest son is quite difficult when eating.

"Mommy, Miky doesn't like that. Bored. I don't want to eat," he said, bowing his head.

Marie gently stroked Miky's hair, "honey, if you don't want to eat, Max will getting angry. Does Miky want Max to be angry?" asked Marie.

Immediately Miky raised his head and steady Marie with a frantic look, but, very adorable!

"No Mom! If Max finds out, Max won't talk to Miky. Later, Max will also punish Miky, Max will be angry to Miky," he said with almost tearful eyes.

Oh no. Yes. It looks like Miky will cry soon. Marie felt guilty. Ah but no. It's the best and the truest, persuading Miky with Max frills is indeed very potent.

Because of the fact, Miky was very afraid if his brother was angry. Miky has no one to play with except Max, which is why he doesn't want to cause trouble by making Max angry at him.

"Then eat, honey. Mom won't tell Max If you want to eat your breakfast. And also the vegetables," bargained Marie to her son.

"OK Mom, Miky wants to eat."

"Good Boy,"