2-The Day After It

"Hey... My Angel. Don't cry. Mom won't tell your brother about this. But ... you have to eat ... okay?"

"Okay Mommy ... Miky wants to eat ...," he said softly.

Is There someone asked me, who is Miky and Max? Yeah. They are the Twins.

Okay let's start the introductory session for a little bit.

Michael, the first child was a little different ... he is albino and his skin is quite sensitive, when exposed to sunlight. Oh yeah ...His family, called him by the name 'Miky'.

Like other albinos, but Miky is much more beautiful. He is an albino with the most beautiful flaws in the eyes of his family.

Then the twin brother of Michael is named Maxime, he is healthy, handsome, firm and well ... perfect.

At the age of five, but his motor intelligence has grown rapidly, you can say that if Max is very intelligent, he is one of the most genius children ever.

If you're asking where Max is, then the answer is, right now Max and his father- Marvell, are working out in the morning, yes ... they are both a father and son couple who are very loving to do sports to build their strength.

And Miky? Why didn't he come with his father and his twin? Yes. Simple ... Miky is a different ... He's a little more special, that's why he can't get tired.

"Mom ... Max and Dad aren't home yet?" Miky asked while drinking his chocolate milk.

"They are--"

"We're home!" Marv said in front of the door with Max walking behind him.

Marv immediately kissed Marie's forehead and sat beside to Marie.

"Did my angel already eat his breakfirst?" Marv asked and pointing to Miky.

"Hehehe. Miky just eat and finish it, just see it Dad," Miky said while showing his empty plate.

"Oh, my god ... you're very clever!" said Marv.

Max? He is began to sit next to his twin brother. Without a word.

Yes ... In addition to being different in terms of physique, Miky and Max are very opposite. If Miky likes to smile and bring fresh positive energy, then Max is the opposite, from the childhood he does not like to smile or talk nonsense.

"Max. You want a peanut butter or chocolate? " asked Marie.

"Just give me a plates of salad, Mom."

"Oh, my dear God! You're so healty! Miky, look at your brother. Without being told to eat vegetables, he order salad," said Marie with a chuckle.

"Mommy ... the Vegetable is bitter. It's not good ... Miky dosen't liked it!" said Miky with his cute face.

"Brother ...." Max looking deep with his sharp eyes to Miky.

Right now, Miky fell afraid by Max who was looking like a monster that want to eat Miky's body in a blink of eyes. Yes ... Miky is Max's older brother, but ... Max is much more Everything than Miky.

"Didn't you eat vegetables?" Max asked flatly.

"Miky eat the veggies," Miky said with a very nervous voices.

Marvell and Marie who saw the tension immediately approached Max.

"Max ... your brother is already ate the vegetables. Mom saw it ...," said Marie as if defending Miky.

"Good," Max said briefly.

Yes ... Out of nowhere Max's attitude, even though Marie and Marvell alone are not cold and flat personalities, but maybe they are more cruel.

No ... Everyone is good here, until their rotten identities and hearts are slowly revealed.

Now after eating, Miky just sitting in his room with his busy little hands painting on canvas.

Miky is good at drawing, believe it or not, some children are indeed blessed by God with all their magical talents.

It's Sunday! And they're only five years old. Okay. And yes ... Miky is just like Max. They are twins and the albinos one is Miky.

"Brother ... now you should take a shower, Mom has prepared warm water for you ...," Max told Miky to take a shower.

"Wait a moment, Max. Miky wants to finish this painting." Miky is focus with the color, the brushes, and the canvas.

"Brother …" Max's voice was getting lower, a sign that he was angry right now.

Although still small, but Max even has a low voice typical of pubescent teenagers.

"All right ... Miky's taking a shower now... Max don't be angry, please …" Miky said softly.

In that moment, Marie entered the twins room, she's already neat with a black knee-length dress that was very beautiful on Marie's body.

"Mom ... where are you going?" Max asked when he saw his mother who was very neat and beautiful.

"Mom and Dad will be attending a banquet at the residence of one of Dad's colleagues," said Marie as she opened the closet and prepared some clothes for her son, Miky.

Max? No need. Of course, Max can already choose his own clothes. You know what? Almost all of Max's clothes are black. Very inversely proportional to Miky. Miky has become accustomed to wearing pastel-colored clothes.

"Well … this is an outfit for Miky ... you'll tell your brother to wear it. Mom has to hurry. Okay, Max?"

"I'll do it," said Max with a sly smile.

"Make sure that he wears it all, and then you need to send a picture of your brother to Mom, okay…?"

"Okay ...," Max said with a smile ... cunning.

After Marie and Marvell leave, in this huge mansion there are only them, Miky and Max. The servants and bodyguards and other employees are located in a separate building with this mansion.


Miky came out of the bathroom in a white towel ... very similar to the color of his skin color.

"Max … Miky is already done."

"Come here, brother ...," said Max who was arranging something on the mattress.

"Max ... Miky doesn't want to wear them. Max is not wearing it ... why should Miky wear that anyway?" Miky said with a cute look on his face.

Max looked at his brother's face with a flat expression, he was still five years old but for some reason Max's intimidating was very powerful.

"You don't want to wear all of this, brother …?" asked Max in a low voice.

"But .... " Miky said about to refuse, but before that, Max had sat his brother on the bed, Miky's face had begun to glass.

You know ... this is one of the realities and destinies that Miky has to accept.

"Max ... Miky don't want to wear them!" said Miky, he want to rise and rebel but Max's body is bigger and taller than Miky.

"Shut up brother!" jerk Max.

"Hiks … no, Max. Miky doesn't like that ... Hiks, Max ... "

"You must, Brother!" said the five-year-old boy-Max.

Although only five years old, but Max feels authoritative like an adult ... Hahaha.

Yeah ... here's one of them ... they were happy in the beginning ... but, when the morning is almost over ... Miky will always be and follow all their rules, or the wishes that Max and his parents want, they always say this for the good of Miky.

Because of what? Because Miky is different.

This is the story of Miky, the first born who was born differently. He is a very beautiful and that is why his life is limited to a high fence without the sun.

This is the story of Miky and his twin Max, who are opposites in everything. About Max who is too obsessed with his twin brother, then about his parents who are too over to look crazy and scary.

This is Miky's story with the Albinism he has, this is the story of the fragile White Boy who is full of prohibitions and crazy rules.

And also, this is the biggest plot twist that Miky and Max actually not a real twins. They're not have any blood ties at all. So how?

Want to know the continuation? Don't missed them! And don't blink your eyes to see the bigger plot twis ever!