3- The Day Miky Wear Them

There is madness, you don't know how many crazy people are out there. Yeah, maybe one of them is yourself.

All right, now it's time to start some madness based on love, in fact that's what happened.

In this moment, Miky was crying and a little persuading his brother, Max. He does not want to use various tools that he thinks are crazy and strange. Because of what? Even his brother doesn't wear it anymore. Then why should Miky always wear that weird things? Someone tells Miky please! What's the crazy reason besides in.

It's actually, it not that weird but it still feels weird. Either way it's a fate Miky has to face it.

"Max, Miky doesn't want to wear them! Doesn't want! Please Max," begging Miky. Max just kept quiet and prepared everything he needed and had been provided by Marie since earlier.

Miky who saw his brother just silent, not caring about his words began to cry. Let's say Miky is crying baby, it is natural because he is only a five-year-old child, what is unnatural one is how Max can be very mature beyond his age.

Miky starts to get scared, then when he is about to try to run, but Max has first realized his brother's mind. To be honest Max doesn't like it when Miky starts not according to what he should be able to and accept.

Max pulls and holds Miky's little white hand, in fact even though they are twins five minutes apart, but Max is very tall and his body is already big and that will grow as he grows later.

And Miky? No, it only contains bones with white skin that is all white. If Miky albino is definitely the whole body is very white, the special part is, Miky has eyes that are so beautiful, very beautiful and even seem rare. There are only 1 in 1000000 people in the world who have beautiful eyes like Miky's, and Max admits how stunning his twin brother is.

Angel, that is the called that Marv and Marie give to Miky.

Iridium Heterochromia. Is a disorder that occurs with differences in the iris of the eye, usually someone with a case like this is very rare, those who suffer from this rare but unfortunately beautiful disorder usually have abnormalities in the amount of melamine and affect thousands of millions of cells that make up the iris of the eye with two different colors, in some cases those with this disorder are also very sensitive to light that is too bright.

"Brother, you should obey me. This all is for your good, believe me," persuaded Max who was still holding his brother.

Miky kept crying, hid crystal eyes start to tearing a tears. For Max the tears that came out of his brother's eyes were so beautiful, it felt like you found a small waterfall in the depths of the forest that was so dark, a stream of water that cooled you. But on the other side, he did not like to see his brother was sad and crying. Huh, it's weird, but that's what it is.

"Hiks ... Max not again, please! Miky doesn't want that, Max!" Max ignoring anything that his brother begging for. He was silent and brought Miky's right hand to a hook beside the bed. True, that's a handcuff with a meter-long chain. Take it easy, these are not iron handcuffs that will make Miky's hands hurt and bruised. This is just a cuff with soft fur material, but able to make Miky to stay in his place and position.

"Hiks ... not Max!" Miky tried to pull the handcuffs on his right hand, but nothing. He can't do anything.

Max began undressing the towel worn by his brother, then he then replaced it with a suit with soft silk ivory white. After that Max brings a diaper to his brother, then puts it on Miky who is still crying.

Honestly Miky doesn't understand why he should use diapers when his brother just doesn't use it anymore. Miky should have been able to use the toilet if he wanted to poop.

"Hiks ... Max, Miky didn't want to wear this. Hiks ... why should Miky wear them?!" Miky still crying.

Max smiled a little, then he stopped after he finished putting the diapers on his brother.

Max looked into Miky's eyes again and again. The eyes is looking so pretty. Ah? I've told you, Miky's two Crystal eyeballs are the most beautiful in this world, and they'll be Max's favorite eyeballs forever.

"Brother, don't cry! I'm your brother twin, right?! I'm not gonna do anything that's gonna hurt you, okay?" Max looked into Miky's two eyes. Then he kissed his brother's eyes gently with affection.

But, Miky still crying in quietly sounds. He also looked into Max's eyes and said, "hiks, but Max ... Miky is ashamed of Max, Miky is Max's older brother twin, but Miky is like this, hiks ..."

Max smiled with his brother's answered, he then erased the remaining melt of tears on his brother's chubby and white cheeks and said something that could at least make his brother smile a little.

"If you obey me and do not argue, I'll tell Mom to give a lot of chocolate ice cream for you tomorrow at afternoon, how it sounds?" seduce Max. Immediately Miky eyes back radiant, you need to know Miky is a chocolate lover, he's love chocolate! For sure Miky like the sensation of how sweet the chocolate that will melt in his mouth cavity.

"Max promise?" ask Miky for sure.

"Have I ever lied to my brother?"

"No, Max always occupies the promise," Miky said.

"Good, so now it's okay, right? Should you wear this?" Max asked by stroking Miky's silver hair.

Miky just annoying, at least he will get more chocolate ice cream rations tomorrow. Whatever he would do for his beloved chocolate.

"Okay, Max. Miky wants to wear them."

"Good, brother!"

Then immediately Max put on half thigh pants with matching color with the top that had been worn by Miky.

The suit looks very fused with Miky's white body, that even lighter than the clothes.

After that, Max put on long socks that were more or less limited to Miky's knees, only a plain black with a white strip on the top.

Okay. Miky is already very sweet right now, but not enough.

"Max. Can Miky not wear that?" Miky asked when Max tried to enter a mitten that has been designed specifically for Miky.

"What? This? Of course not brother, this is for you. Must. Mommy say so ..."

Max then quickly paired the mitten with white and black with a shape resembling a cat's paw, and you know what? The Mitten is very thick and that will definitely not make Miky unable to move his tiny fingers anymore.

In addition, this mitten is equipped with a small padlock as a lock. And now Miky is no longer able to feel or hold anything with his fingers.

Max smiled when he finished pairing the mitten, he then put the key from his small padlock into his pocket.

"Okay, Brother. You're so sweet now, but I don't like it when you're able to use your handle, I want you to always rely on me with whatever you want, so ..."

Max took a strap with a hook, then put it on her brother's waist. He tied it tightly and joined it with his brother's two hands that he had attached to the mitten.

Now Miky's hand can only be completely straight down, the strap holds Miky's hand so that to raise his hand he will not be able to.

Now, again when Miky foolishly tried to lift his hand up, but couldn't, he started crying again.

"Hiks ... Max if it's like this, Miky's hand can forget how to move, hiks. What if Miky's hand can't be moved anymore? Hiks ..."

Miky seems so stupid, but Max likes it.

"That's good brother, then I'll take care of you with everything you want," Max replied with his confidence.

"Okay, brother ... now you wear this flower."

Max picked up a headpiece with ornaments of small flowers and dried grass, which were assembled in such a way, so as to form like a beautiful flower crown.

Then Max put it on Miky's silver hairs, and did not forget to hook the hook under her brother's chin.

"You are such a sweet little fairy."


After Max kissed Miky's sweet right cheek, he continued to wear a white shoe on Miky's foot that he had already put on the cost of the foot, then saw the results of his work on the makeup of the older brother.

If you ask about all the clothes that Max has put on Miky, then the answer is habit.

Max and Marie get used to it and really like to dress Miky like a doll. Miky is very adorable, like a doll, yes a life little doll.

"Brother, promise me you won't be seen by anyone out there, you are so beautiful."

Again the main focus of Max's gaze was in Miky's beautiful eyes. The eyes of Heterochromia are so alluring.

Miky who is very innocent and stupid just nodded, he wanted to raise his hand and touch behind the face of the sister, but he could not because the strap on his plate held all the movements of Miky's hands.

"Do you want to hold my face too?" Max asked, then Max sat Miky on the bed, and he knelt under his brother and brought his face closer to Miky's hand which was blocked by his hand resistance.

"Miky want to hold Max's face but this can not be moved" Miky said sadly to see his fingers that have been blocked by the hand resistance

"If you can't. I can hold Big Brother's face like this, isn't it the same?"

"But Max,"

"Okay, that's enough brother. Now you get in your wheelchair, hmm," Max said as he removed the handcuffs attached to the bed, then took Miky to sit in a wheelchair, he began to put straps on Miky's stomach and legs, it makes Miky very integrated into the wheelchair and can no longer stand.

"Max, Miky's feet can still walk, why every morning into night time, Miky always ride in a wheelchair?"

Yes, Miky has a lot of questions about his self and his family.

"It's because you are angel, diamonds and snow flowers for our in here, you are so special," said Max who was immediately trusted by Miky.

You idiot.

"Well, okay. Brother is ready."

Max observes Miky who is in a wheelchair without being able to move his hands or feet, then he again falls on the color of Miky's eyes that for Max is so beautiful,

Haven't I told you what Miky's eyes look like? Okay, Miky has two different eye colors, and the difference is very contrasting, and I said Very Rare, his left eye is purple with a little blue mixed in, very beautiful like a very beautiful galaxy, and then his left eye is orange like an autumn snowstorm, warm but cold.

Max? actually, his eyes are also beautiful, but Max's eyes are quite normal, sharp eyes with a red gold color that is capable of bringing a terrifying aura and making you die with just his sharp gaze.

Yes, they are very different, but that's the special thing, doesn't difference lead to a privilege? Yeah, fake.

"You're perfect brother, and I won't let a beautiful thing like you disappear. I will not allowed you seen by a stranger out of there," Max said.

No one knows how Destiny will be formed, created or destroyed, all you need to know is that time is running and the wheels are spinning, but what about Miky? His wheels have been chained by his own family, they take Miky and separate him from a life, mendoctrinya proper dollalaikat too innocent and stupid, look forward to how it goes in the next chapter.

"I know it's wrong, brother. But I can't afford to let you go praying to step away, you belong to me ... to our family, Mommy and Daddy. For whatever it takes, even if God takes your life away I won't let it, in his various lives you will stay with me, whether you want it or not. That's my promise, you'll always be tied to me." Max said with his strong determination