4- Miky's Glass Ball

Life may be different from belonging to another. Your definition of happiness could be very different from theirs. Life is a paradox ... you know what? There is nothing beautiful, everything is sad. Even the wind that travels around the world knows the answer. Too high, so far that it can not be reached. Yeah ... everything has written down by our God ...

"Max, is Max leaving now?" asked Miky, then Miky looked at his twin brother who had been neat in a typical suit of a small aristocrat. It must be black ... because Max is a black lover.

"Oh? Absolutely, yes. Dad asked me to attend an archery race in the north of the city, i must and will win it" said Max.

Miky looked at his twin brother sadly, "it meant i would be left alone?" Miky's mind talking.

Yeah, miky doesn't like being alone.

"No need to be sad, brother. I'll be back soon ... Ok ...?" Max knelt under Miky who was sitting locked in his wheelchair.

"Max ... Miky wants to ask for something, but Max, please don't get mad, okay?" Miky said softly.

"Tell me brother, do you want anything from the northern city?"

"No ... but, Max ... let Miky play in the back garden. Miky wants to feeding fish in there." Miky rarely out from this mansion. So that's why Miky begged Max for it.

Max was still silent for a moment, then he looked towards the window, ascertaining something.

"But brother--"

"Max ... you want to go out. Miky doesn't have any friends if Max leaving, so ... please, let Miky stay and feeding Mr Fish in the garden. Mr. fish is good to Miky. Please ...," asked Miky with a face full of supplications.

"Oh my God, brother ...." Max excitedly framed his twin brother's fat cheek and kissed his excitedly ... remember, they're only five years old ... okay?

"Okay ... it's okay, but you have to wear something," Max said ambiguously.

"Wear what?"

"It doesn't seem too hot there, but I'm afraid if the sun suddenly appears and stings you brother ..." said Max.

Yes ... i told you guys, that Miky was born to be an albino, and he was one of the rarest. His body will turn red when he is exposed to the sun in an amount that exceeds the limit of the day.

"But it's not hot Max, after all, Miky will use an umbrella like last afternoon."

"Do you want to go out? if you don't want to wear it already ... just let stay in this room, brother." When Max was about to step his foot before Miky stopped him in a quiet voice.

"Max ..."

Max turns to see his twin brother little white face, then returns and walks up to Miky in his wheelchair.

"Okay ... Miky wants to use that ... But, Max promises not to be upset ... If max is angry Miky has no friends anymore," Miky said softly.

Yes since childhood only Max who always be Miky's friend, no other friends, only Max the only one ...

"That's a good choice, brother." Max smiled smugly and kissed Miky's left cheek.

Max walks into their closet in the corner of the room, looking for something, while Miky can only stay in his wheelchair. Miky's not paralyzed, it's just that they're too over.

"Now you should wear this, brother. So that naughty sun does not hurt you ..." Yes, the fact is that Miky is not too able to be under the sun exposure.

"Yes Max ..." Is just that, just according to what Miky can do.

"Sweet older brother!" Then Max put on a strange special equipment.

A transparent ball, larger than Miky's body. The ball certainly limits Miky's wiggle room.

It's like a sophisticated invention and yes ... crazy.

The ball is made of lightweight yet strong, with sensors and systems modified so that it is possible to control the ball from afar by displaying a hologram of the controller.

Inside the ball there is a flexible chair that can make the user sit normally, stand or lie down. It's just that if the user or patient is inside the ball it is impossible to be free to make the movement he wants, because in the automatic chair there is a protective device that is already a package with the transparent ball.

Like a strap at almost the bottom which is certainly able to make the user unable to walk or stand as he wants. In addition, access to the ball also uses a fingerprint sensor from the controller so that it minimizes unwanted actions such as running away, falling or missing taken by kidnappers? Hahaha ... think it by yourself ...

But calm down ... this ball is very safe and comfortable for its users, equipped with beautiful automatic music to be heard, temperature settings that can adjust to its users and certainly very clean oxygen, besides that this ball is able to move in the sense of walking on the floor or hovering because it is equipped with a portable baling.

"Max ..." Miky was a little sulky when his twin was helped by one of the Butlers there wearing Miky the tools, he needed to be inside the transparent ball.

"Calm down Brother... it's gonna be fun ... you will feel comfortable and safe in this ball ..."

Miky is finally enter the ball, if you ask, is that weird? So the answer is no, everything that is taboo or Strange will be very beautiful and interesting if it is about Miky.

It was like seeing a doll inside a glass ball, beautiful ... fragile and definitely untouched.

Miky is already inside the ball in a normal sitting position. If i can be honest, the ball is very comfortable for Miky. But on the other hand Miky is reluctant to always be like this.

"Okay brother ..." Then afterwards Max put his fingerprints on, to lock the ball.

And yes ... Now Miky or anyone except Max will not be able to open the ball, because it is only with Max's fingerprint that the ball will open.

"Is it comfortable, brother?" Max asked to Miky.

Miky only nodded slightly, at least his eyes could see the scenery out there, although he would not be able to touch or feel directly what it feels like a fresh air.

HaHaha ... is funny, and yes ... crazy.

"Okay brother ... i'm leaving now, you take it easy, this ball will take you to the fish out there. I control it so you don't have to worry ...," said Max with a handsome smile.

Yes ... it should be underlined, Max is a typical person who does not like to talk at length especially sincerely with a smile ... but this is different, because his brother ... Miky, is the most special for Max.

"Yes, Max ...," said Miky.

"Good ..."

"Gidion, you watch my brother from afar, remember ... don't you dare to touch him, I don't like anyone else besides me and my parents touching him. You understand?!" Max said flatly to one of the bodyguards assigned by Marie to be max's accomplice.