14- Bram's Little Secret

"Brother! If Mom and Dad knew you'd be kicked out of here!"

"I don't care, I can't hold this any longer."

"Brother, please... Give me a few time. I'll talk about this to them, at least convince them of you and everything you feel..."

"Ara, I-I can't! I can't lose Riv, no!" The young man who is now sitting with a frustrated face seems to meremat his fingers.

"Brother..." Arabella, yes, the girl who tried to persuade the young man was Arabella. And the frustrated young man was Bram. Yes, Bram.

"Hisk ... I-I can't do that, you know? All this time ... I - " Bram cried while covering his face. He was too clueless about what he was going through. What he feels.

What do you think? Do you think Bram looks like Max? Huh? Yes, but it was a long time ago, before Bram discovered his current identity.

Just look at it later.

"I know your love, your feelings ... I promise I'll convinced it to mom and dad ... i'll make them understand you what you feel ... so don't be reckless until that time comes, okay? I'll try, brother..." Arabella hugged her brother's body.

Thirteen years passed without anyone being able to predict.

Arabella? Do you think she is still an innocent little girl, no ... she's grow a lot.

Her smile is still sweet, her face is still beautiful, her voice is still melodious. But, Arabella is more than that, she grew up seeing a lot of different things. Right. Arabella grew up to be the girl with the best mentality.

Honestly, she is a good girl who is also strong and brave. You can say if Arabella is a girl with a portion of feminine and masculine commensurate. Arabella has both sides of it equally.

"You promised Ara? You gonna convince mom and dad?" Bram let go of his sister's embrace. He looked at his sister with a wistful look. Arabella is much more mature and strong than Bram.

"Ara, I was embarrassed at-"

"Brother, not again... You're my brother, don't be ashamed of me. Please."

"You're right... my sweet sister has grown into a very beautiful adult girl ..." Bram said and then he started kissing his sister's lips gently.

At the moment Bram mouthed his sister's lips without him realizing there was someone behind the door who saw his actions.

"Ekhm." The young man who was at the door cleared his throat to awaken Ara and Bram.

Both Ara and Bram immediately ended their activities.

"Riv!" In a cheerful voice Bram approached Riv and hugged the tan-skinned young man tightly.

"Alright brother Riv, please comfort my brother, he cried like a baby earlier." Arabella said with a joke and then the beautiful girl came out of Bram's room.

The atmosphere is so romantic and the sound of rain outside makes the situation more intimate between Bram and Riv. Now they're both sitting in front of the fireplace, just the two of them. They enjoy the warm glow of the fireplace.

"Are you crying like baby again,Bram?" Riv asked while observing the eyes, nose, lips-ah! Bram's Face.

Bram nodded then a second later he dropped his head on Riv's broad shoulders. "I wanted to tell mom and dad about us, but you know what? What must have happened?"Bram asked wistfully.

"They won't be able to accept this. Us ..." Riv continued by focusing on the embers in front of him.

"I don't want to lose you, I want to stay with you Riv -" Bram now stared deeply at Riv's shapely face.

Riv, a tan-skinned young man with a shapely face. He was one of his father's mainstay soldiers. He is the right hand of Bram's father. Mr. Marcus.

"Bram ...." call Riv softly, he frames Bram's face with his palms.

"I don't understand this at all ... we're not equal anyway ... you are royal, blue blood. I'm the only lucky person to be an accomplice to Mr. Marcus. I-"

"Riv!" A second later Bram immediately pulverized Riv's lips. He didn't want Riv to talk any further about it. Bram doesn't like to hear it.

"Nghhh .... Mmmmm... Cup..."

Their lips hooked each other, enjoying every inch of each cavity. Allowing the night to be quiet and the embers to blush to bear witness to their love.

"Give me more ... More!" Riv is no longer able to withstand the turmoil present. He immediately brought Bram to bed. Oppress it and continue down the wet cavity with its plum lips.

"I'm yours Bram." Bram said in a seductive voice.


Morning came so quickly. Hmm. I'll make it cloudy today! That's awesome!

"I don't want to know, I'm going to talk directly to brother Max. Lia, trust me, I can handle brother Max." Said Arabella who is now being intercepted by Lia the waiter.

Ara intends to tell Max about his distant cousin's wedding invitation. They invite Max and Arabella to come as representatives of the family. Of course Arabella is happy. She had a reason to get close to Max. Although in fact, Arabella knows if getting Max's heart is not an easy thing. Arabella knew Max would never love her, but she still had to sacrifice her feelings and even hee heart to give in.

Right. The match, the match between him and Max was doomed. That's what Arabel knows.

"But, I don't--"

"Shut up ..."Arabella put her fingers in front of Lia's thin lips, while smiling she explained to Lia to calm down.

"I'll be fine, uou know me well, Lia. I'm a fighting expert ... " Said Arabella bragging. But that's a fact. Arabella is even one of the noble daughters with no kidding fighting skills. She is so good despite the fact that she is a woman.

"Never mind ... I'll see Max soon and come back here. I promised you yesterday to teach you how to read, right?" Arabella asked by holding Lia's shoulder. Lia nodded.

"Okay. But don't get hurt. Be careful, Mr. Max's condition is unpredictable ..." Lia said Sadly.

"Okay...okay... Bye... I'm leaving Lia!" Then Arabella stepped over to meet Max, who she believed was still in her room.

Yes ... Thirteen years is a long time. Arabella has even memorized every corner in the luxurious mansion owned by Max's family.

By knocking on the door of Max's room three times Arabella then entered and found Max's room empty.

" Where he is?" Arabella muttered as she searched the empty room.

"Brother Max... Brother Max...?" Arabella kept walking to Max's deks. I don't know if she just wanted to. Sometimes the curiosity is very annoying. But out of curiosity that is not uncommon there are a lot of new things that might be revealed.

"Eh? This ... whose picture is this?" Arabella accidentally saw a slightly faded watercolor painting tucked into Max's agenda book. Let's say it's rude, but Arabella is a girl of high curiosity.

"Wow... he looks cute, his eyes are beautiful too ... Heterochromia. " Said Arabella.

"What are you doing!" Max shouted. Max suddenly got behind Arabell and snatched Miky's painting from Arabell's hand.

"Ah? Brother Max sorry... I'm here and your room is quiet, so-" Arabell had not yet had time to say the reason, Max had already cut the sentence first.

"Disrespectful!" said Max with a cold glare.

"Go! Never came in to my room again!" drive Max out without looking at Arabella.

Arabella shook her head. She decided to sit on Max's bed. Bed with sheets in deep black with gold sprinkles in some parts.

Hahahahaha. He's rich. Max is so rich!

"Are you deaf?!" Max turned around and looked at Arabella with hatred. Really! For the sake of anything, Max is eager to cancel and break his relationship with Arabella.

Hey! Arabell was perfect. She was so incredibly perfect for the size of a young girl. How did Max not fall in love with her? Simple, Max is just and will give his heart, even his life only to Miky.

"You didn't even read the letter I left to Lia the other day," Arabella said.

Max chose to silent. He wanted to tear Arabell's mouth. But no, it will add to the problem. He doesn't want any new problems, because he wants to focus on finding and catching his sweet brother who is hiding like a rabbit! Very clever.

"Brother Max, let's go to Norway. My distant cousin, sister-Mica is getting married and we are invited as family representatives." said Arabella smoothly.

"I don't want to." Max replied flatly. He was choosing a shirt and a suit that he would wear, because at that time he had just finished bathing and found Arabella already in his room and presumptuously touched Miky's precious painting.

"But this must go there. Come on, please." Asked Arabell who is now approaching Max who is in the mirror while fixing the buttons of his black shirt.

"What do I care?!" said Max.

"But I can't go without you, it's so far away. In Norway - " after hearing the word Norway, Max is now focusing on Arabella.

"Norway?" ask Max to confirm what he heard just now.

"Yes, Norway..."replied Arabell.

Max is silent and thinks that his plan is to start looking for Miky's whereabouts in Northern Europe. Is it wrong to choose Norway as the first place? Hahaha.

"All right." say Max briefly.

Arabella rounded her eyes in disbelief. She thought persuading Max would be very difficult and require extra time and effort, but it's not even ten minutes! It's a miracle!

"You're not lying, are you?!" ask Arabell for sure.

"Hm. Now you must leave me alone! Go and never enter this room again!" said Max looked fiercely at Arabella who smiled back pretty at Max.

"Thank you brother! The day after tomorrow we will leave, don't forget okay?!" After saying that Arabella finally got out of there.