15 - The New Obsession

"Give this letter to the Cullens. Tell them I'm inviting them and their daughter to Easter Eve in a few months." Marcus handed a letter to Arabella, who was packing her belongings.

"What letter is this Dad?"

"This is a proposal," Marcus replied briefly.

"Proposal ?" Ask Arabella not understand. Who will be marry? There's no way that's Arabel. She's already with Max.

"For who this is the proposal?"

"Your Brother, Bram." Said Marcus who suddenly made Arabel round his eyes in shock.


"Why are you so shock? After all, your brother's age is enough to get married. Daddy wants to see your brother get married first and then I'll give you to Max." said Marcus looking puzzled at his beautiful daughter.

"But did Daddy talk about this with brother? does he agree? What-"

"Arabella ... Why do you think so far? Your brother will certainly agree, after all the girl who will be used as your brother's wife is the perfect one. She's beautiful, educated and certainly from a respectable family. Daddy wants to see both of Daddy's kids happy, my baby Arabella ..." Marcus stroked Arabella's wavy hair.

"Brother won't agree with it Dad, Daddy doesn't know if Brother love Riv, he can even be ruined if Riv leaves him ..." said Arabella wistfully.

"What's wrong? Don't you agree with me, Ara?" Marcus asked, who found Arabella silent with a wistful look on her face.

Arabella approached her father who was sitting in his work chair, he put back the cover letter.

"Daddy, if I say this will you try to understand everything?" asked Arabella.

"What Are you trying to say Ara? Don't beat around the Bush." said Marcus, who took off his glasses, he now looks at his youngest daughter seriously.

"Sometimes, ask what you feel, Dad. Daddy never asked brother anything ... How can Daddy understand Brother Bram if he likes this or not? Brother Bram won't be happy with it." Arabella said, and then she came out of Marcus's room.

"Bram ..." Marcus muttered.

He also felt that he was a little further away from his eldest son, Bram.

"Alright, I'll ask this directly to Bram."



In other places, today Miky and Gidion prevent spending their time with laughter, jokes and happiness.

"Ion? Why was Miky's hair getting cut?" Miky reflected in a round mirror showing Gidion trimming and shortening his silver hair.

"People can go wrong when they see you." Gidion said calmly. The young man trimmed Miky's hair very carefully. He was afraid if the sharp scissors scratched Miky's skin.

"What?" Miky confused, what does it mean to misidentify? Isn't Miky hiding all this time? He was hiding from Max.

"You look more like girl with longer hair, Miky ..." said Gidion gemas until gently pinch Miky cheek.

"Very beautiful ..." Gidion whispered that suddenly made Miky angry and upset.

"No! MIKY IS JUST LIKE ION, MIKY IS ALSO A BOY!" Miky shouted and it made Gidion even more excited about Miky's behavior.

Ah ... Is this what we call an effortless victory? Gidion wins of Miky. You know what? This was completely beyond expectations, Gidion never expected if he was the one who was with Miky for almost thirteen years. Even Miky's family can't see how Miky grows more and more beautiful with each passing day. Gidion was like getting a treasure in the scorching broad daylight.

"I know that, but you are a sweet man. Very sweet!" Said Gidion who had dared to kiss the bridge of Miky's small high nose.

"What it is more sweet than sugar?" Miky asked with an innocent look.

Gidion thought a little, Miky was waiting for what Gidion would say. Miky's expression and face are very supportive for you to get a heart attack that second too.

"Yes! Even candy tastes nothing compared to you, Miky!" Said Gidion, who made Miky's big smile come back.

"Thank you! Ion is the best!" Said Miky who still hugged Gidion tightly.

"I've been the best, since a long time ago even to this day." said Gidion proudly.

"Yes ... Ion is very good and the most best person!" Miky said while holding up his thumb.

I don't know, is it possible that Miky will forget his family? Max ..?

Thirteen years is a very long time, maybe all Miky's memories and feelings for the family are slowly fading away to be replaced by Gidion?

See you later, but trust me. Max will never give up until he is able to bring Miky back for him to cuddle by his side. Max is full of ambition especially if it relates to his beloved twin brother, Miky.

The good news is, in a moment I might find Max with Miky. However, in a different story :)

And ... Max will have a new rival equal to him, Gidion, Gidion the good-natured guy who is friendly will soon be transformed into a new Little monster. Isn't it interesting when two



Today is the day that Arabell and Max are leaving for Norway, and Arabell is currently visiting Max to make sure that Max does not renounce his words, and goes to Norway with Arabell.

"Brother Max, are you sure? You'll bring that much luggage?" Arabella asked Max, who was just silently looking at the tablet in his hand.

In the corner of Max's room, there are already more than three large suitcases, the problem is that, they only go to Norway for a week at most, right? But why does Max bring this things so much?

Though as far as Arabell knows, Max is the type of guy who really doesn't like something too complicated, carrying that much luggage is quite troublesome.

"Hmn." Max just cleared his throat in response to Arabell, who was still surprised by Max's attitude that day.

Arabella think a little more, rarely Max wants to look complicated as it is today. Usually Max won't even want to carry a bag or anything even when traveling cross country.

"Not as usual." murmured Arabella.

"I'm sure you're there brother. I'll take you in a moment, so wait for this Max of yours," inner Max .

Arabella stared looking at Max, the one who would to be her future husband. She and Max will getting married and that's all for sure, but why is Arabella getting hesitant?

No. Arabella knew from the beginning that Max was not interested in this relationship, but Arabella remained in his stance, if God and destiny had outlined them to be together then Arabella would go through it all.

Although something in Arabella's heart always resists, there are things that Arabell still does not understand about her own heart and feelings.

Know this, Arabella is too mature at her age, she has gone through a lot, as well as her vast and complex mind and attitude that always relents and sacrifices her sense of happiness and pleasure for others. That's what Arabell has done to this day.

"Excuse me. Sir, Miss," the knock of the door was heard, there Lia stood with a tray of solid black coffee that had no sweetness at all and also fragrant Rosella flower tea. The young girl in the maid's signature black and white outfit placed the tray with her drink on the nightstand next to Arabella.

"This is your coffee Mr. Max, and this is for Miss Ara," Lia said with her head down, the aura that Max radiated made Lia tremble in fear.

"Thank you, Lia." Arabella said with a smile. Arabell knows Lia is so afraid of Max, actually not only Lia, but all the servants are very reluctant and afraid of Max's presence.

Lia looked back at Arabella and she smiled until her eyes were crescent-shaped,"miss Ara. Excuse me first."Lia said and then she left after that.

Lia's eyes, her crescent eyes. Why does Ara feel that there are so many butterflies sitting in there?

